Meta Question

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What is the point of typing NSFW?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) July 7th, 2010

It seems like in all NSFW questions, a lot (if not most) of the offending words are in the title, where you can see them regardless of if you click on the question or not. Since NSFW is supposed to shield you until you actually click on it, doesn’t typing words like “orgasm” and “pussy” in the title sorta defeat the point?

Also, since most workplaces have a policy against employees using the internet at work, isn’t the entirety of Fluther technically NSFW?

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12 Answers

Seek's avatar

Well, many companies don’t mind if their employees surf the net on their own time (breaks, lunch, etc.) Also, there are people who Fluther at home and have kids running around.

My personal thought is that the way to solve this would be to have a check box in the question creation screen: something like “Check if question is NSFW”. Then that question would appear on the main screen as “NSFW – Open to see details” or similar. That way, those who wish to avoid NSFW content can easily do so.

ucme's avatar

I thought it was a radio station in Wisconsin!!

jonsblond's avatar

Like @Seek_Kolinahr said, there are some of us with little ones running around the house. I’ve had my daughter (she was 5 at the time) coloring beside me as I was Fluthering, and I opened a link someone had posted. There was no warning, and the link was a picture a 3 naked girls on a bed fondling each other. I was new to Fluther at the time, and had not witnessed much NSFW content the few short months I had been a member, so I was definitely surprised.

marinelife's avatar

I think there is a point to it. I just wish everyone would always use it when indicated.

andrew's avatar

Titles are required to be safe for work. Flag them if they aren’t.

Aster's avatar

@ucme What would we do without you? LOL

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Gee Jb still got that link? ; }

Jeruba's avatar

I agree, @papayalily, that if a Q is NSFW, anything inappropriate for the workplace or for an underage audience ought to be safely hidden within the details and not displayed in the subject line. Thanks, @andrew, for the reminder to flag exceptions.

jonsblond's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous haha….it was flagged and quickly whisked away. Sorry.

cookieman's avatar

@jonsblond: So, when you say you were “surprised”...

BoBo1946's avatar

it keeps innocent, sweet, naive, and underaged people…like myself, from looking!

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I actually like it when NSFW is in the title when the thread might contain sexually explicit or other NSFW content, even if I’m not working. It’s a good warning. It’s another way of saying “You might want to open this while you are alone and in the privacy of your own home… if you want to open it at all.” I understand your point, though. It seems best for the title to only contain words that are safe for work.

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