General Question

cbloom8's avatar

How can I make an interactive photo slideshow that can be put onto a DVD?

Asked by cbloom8 (1723points) August 11th, 2010

I’m essentially wanting to combine PowerPoint and DVD – I want to put pictures onto a DVD in such a way that the viewer can manually scroll through the pictures using the DVD player remote with no automatic timer or anything else. I’ve seen a few programs that might do this, but trial versions limit the number of pictures I can use and I’d rather not pay for the program. Any thoughts?



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6 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

Windows Movie Maker

cbloom8's avatar

@jaytkay Sorry, but I looked into this for WMM and it doesn’t work…are you sure it does?

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

I know you can do that quite easily with DVD Studio Pro on Mac OSX, but that’s a pretty pricey program. If I think of any inexpensive/free programs out there, I’ll let you know.

cbloom8's avatar

@Whitsoxdude No, WMM can do images but it puts them into an automated, timed sequence. No matter how long you set the picture slide, it will eventually change. I don’t want the pictures to auto-scroll at all. I want to be able to look at one picture for as long as I want, then move on to the next one using the DVD remote when I want. I want less of a “video” and more of an “interactive presentation”. Basically a PowerPoint presentation that can be controlled through the DVD player.

Please read the question details before replying.

Whitsoxdude's avatar

Right, sorry then.

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