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occ's avatar

Why do I crave orange juice late at night?

Asked by occ (4176points) March 12th, 2007
when I get thirsty late at night, water doesn't quench my thirst--I have an insatiable need for orange juice... Why is this? It might be a craving for sweetness, but I never want really sweet things like soda.
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9 Answers

sjg102379's avatar
Low blood sugar
sjg102379's avatar
(I get similar cravings after I work out)
nomtastic's avatar
an autoimmune response to pre-scurvy?
zina's avatar
maybe a deficiency? (potassium? vitamin c?) sometimes your body makes you crave things for that reason.... habit/familiarity?
hossman's avatar
Could be a lot of things, but probably low blood sugar, general dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance.
egge's avatar

I find that I get into habits with things really easily. If I have popcorn late at night watching tv then the next night when watching tv popcorn sounds good, and then next thing you know I can't watch tv at night without wanting popcorn. Maybe you had it one night and it was really good and so now when you're thirsty at night thats what your mind associates.

zmolbreak's avatar

haha, I was at my desk listening to music and I got the same urge to grab some OJ/tangerine combo juice, i knew others would have it so I searched the internet

zmolbreak's avatar

and sonofabitch, theres none left

Nimis's avatar

I’ve wondered about this myself!

I think it’s because at night (and also after waking up after a night of going out),
your mouth is really parched. Not only do you want some type of liquid,
you also want that extra kick to wake your mouth back up.
That little bit of citrus seems just perfect.

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