General Question


What would happen if I accidentally took an extra vitamin dose for the day?

Asked by MRSHINYSHOES (13996points) October 23rd, 2011

Let’s say I forgot that I had already taken my vitamin tablet about an hour ago, and I swallowed another vitamin tablet (the dosage is only one tablet per day). Would it harm or affect me in any way?

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14 Answers


@Rarebear I remember I once took an extra vitamin, and that night I felt a bit nauseous. Maybe it was something else. Like bad food. Lol.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes, really nothing, not with only one extra. It’s really just a waste of vitamins. I think you’ll excrete most of what your body can’t use. Just don’t eat a polar bear liver. If you eat a polar bear liver you could possibly consume a toxic amount of Vitamin A; enough Vitamin A to possibly cause death.

zensky's avatar

If I remember my math correctly, andything times zero is still zero.

Sunny2's avatar

Any extra vitamins just get peed out. Don’t worry about it.

cazzie's avatar

We pee most of the excess stuff out. It takes an awful large dose of say… vit C to start damaging your kidneys or a form of vit A to turn your skin orange. Taking extra B vitamins on an empty stomach makes me throw up, so yes, I think we can get nauseous from vit tablets.

I am on the sceptical side of most vitamin supplements. Especially if you are healthy. I have to take extra B vit from time to time because of a disease I have and vit Bs are a good idea if you are a heavy drinker, but with iron fortified flour, vit D added to the milk and iodine in the salt, there are few things we end up lacking in our normal diets, unless, like I said, you are sick or live in Nepal, or have a poor diet and are trying to have a baby (folic acid link to prevention of spinabifita)

Buttonstc's avatar

Double dose for one day only?


But taking B vitamins on an empty stomach or larger amt. could cause some temporary nausea.

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marinelife's avatar

Your body would shed the excess.

smilingheart1's avatar

Expensive urine.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have found that some multi-vitamins will make me nauseous if I take them on an empty stomach.

tedd's avatar

your pee will be exceptionally colorful in the afternoon.

Multi-vitamins are already an overdose of virtually every vitamin in them. You pee out close to 90% of the vitamins in each pill because your body can only process so much of each at one time.

I doubt the addition of another pill will do any real harm.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You will simply pee out what your body does not absorb.

flo's avatar

Nothing since it is only a one time thing. But there are some vitamines that you can overdose on.

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