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LornaLove's avatar

Which strange animal would you like to keep as a pet?

Asked by LornaLove (10037points) May 7th, 2013

I really love Sloths, I wouldn’t mind a few as pets. I also would love to have a pet monkey. But of course the upkeep etc., is not very practical. What sort of animal would you love to have as a pet, that is not of the norm?

Or do you have one already?

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40 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I want a dragon. Think how handy that would be camping. If I have to stick to reality a porcupine. I offered my hand out to one this fall and he pulled himself up and studied me, like he was just curious. He held on very lightly and just looked. If he chomped me that was my fault.

KNOWITALL's avatar

A liger or a panther, a nice great ape. Unicorns would be cool, or the spectrals on harry potter.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’ve been two feet from a free black panther. He was chained to his handler but he could have killed me in a second. God what a beautiful animal.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Adorindack COOL! In Mexico they tried to scare me in the jungle and I was so excited lol.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I love animals, but I’m very careful at reading their body language. He was so muscular and beautiful.

gorillapaws's avatar

A wallaby. I’d never loose my stuff because I could keep it all in her pouch. Plus they’re adorable.

jaytkay's avatar

I would like two elephants. You can’t have just one, they get lonely.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Any sort of large cat- lion, cougar, panther, cheetah, leopard…

ETpro's avatar

@bkcunningham I’d love to know what our current pets would have to say to us if we could somehow give them the human FOXP2 gene and they could talk. At least I think I’d love it. Spoony THE Cat would probably be pretty opinionated and demanding.

As to exotic animals, I think Koala’s are incredibly cute, but I have no Earthly idea what maintenance level they require. Speaking of telling us what they think, another animal I’d love to have would be a Blue and Gold Macaw, Mynah Bird, or African Grey Parrot. But they are highly social animals and without their regular flock, they want their human around 100% of the time. I’d need some support staff.

I wouldn’t even consider an exotic animal of any kind unless I knew I could easily provide the proper care and housing for the critter for the rest of its natural life.

Coloma's avatar

I just re-homed my beautiful Chinese gander ( goose ) about 7 weeks ago. He is the love of my life, but sadly I could not hang on any longer on my 5 acre property with the economic carnage of the last few years. Giving him up was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. If someone had told me 20 years ago that the love of my life would be a goose I never would have believed them.

He has gone to an amazing home and I get daily updates and photos and videos, but when I visited him last month he digressed and became aggressive and moody and depressed, they have very long memories and imprint when you raise them from goslings as I did.
They truly think they are human and need human bonding.
I am going to try to visit again on 6 months but his mental and emotional well being trumps my attachment. I can’t express the piece of my heart that goose has taken. He is such a special animal.

bkcunningham's avatar

OMG, @ETpro. I was searching through old threads last night looking for a particular discussion. I happened to find a thread you started about Spoony the Cat and your wife. It was right after I joined Fluther and was a very cute discussion.

marinelife's avatar

I have always loved koalas.

ETpro's avatar

@bkcunningham I;m sure an astrologer could explain such an amazing coincidence.

@marinelife Me too. They are right up there with Pandas, but no private party should own a panda.

Blondesjon's avatar

A ring tailed lemur.

did i mention it would need to be trained to bring me things from the fridge?

bkcunningham's avatar

I hadn’t seen you post anything about Spoony in a long while and thought it was strange you mentioned him just now.

I almost had a skunk once. A friend of mine’s boyfriend had found a litter of abandoned skunk kittens and hand-fed them. He said I could have one and litter box train it like a cat. My girlfriend dumped him before the kittens were weened. End of my skunk pet dreams.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’ve had a couple strange pets

I’d love to have a pangolin, jerboa , ocelot, octopus , flamboyant cuttlefish , slow loris , sloth , capybara , tapir , and a hyacinth macaw
I realize most of this list is completely unfeasible but I can still dream god damn it…

Mariah's avatar

This isn’t too off-the-wall, but a hedgehog!

Blondesjon's avatar

@uberbatman . . . no mantis shrimp?

Coloma's avatar

I want a Vietnamese Water Buffalo. I love Water Buffalos.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Blondesjon click the word couple :P

cookieman's avatar

Sea Otter

He could live in my bathtub. They’re so cute.

Plucky's avatar

Ooo… An African elephant, three-toed sloth or bonobo. They are my most favourite wild animals.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Lol that looks just like my cat. I need a capybara….

Berserker's avatar

A patherwolf.

ucme's avatar

Fuck billed twattypuss, they’re just so fucked up it’s off the scale.

Harold's avatar

An aardvark…...

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme You never fail to make me laugh wild man.

ucme's avatar

Wild man? Why i’m a little pussy cat darlin…only sometimes though.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’d like to keep @ucme as a pet. He counts as a strange animal, yes?

ucme's avatar

I need to be pampered though, lay on your lap having my tummy tickled so that my little leg kicks out really fast when you hit the right spot…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I can do that, as long as you promise to only potty outside.

ucme's avatar

Oh yeah, you just made me wag my…err, tail.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@YARNLADY That’s not that weird here, I know of a few people that keep alpacas within a few miles of my house!

I want a dragon or a penguin please!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Leanne1986 We have alpaca farms all over the place here. I’d like a dragon too. I want to ride it as it flys.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Falkor from The Neverending Story was my dream pet/friend as a child!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Leanne1986 I had forgotten about him and that story. Thanks, that’s a pleasant memory. “With luck!”

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