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ibstubro's avatar

Is there a word that you used to use all the time that you seldom use any more? [Possible NSFW]?

Asked by ibstubro (18804points) October 24th, 2014

I just used one on Fluther.
Any big, bold, outspoken woman was a battleax when I was a kid. It was a question about my youth that brought it out.

I added the NSFW in case anyone wanted to confess to references to minorities.

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19 Answers

kritiper's avatar

I used this one when I was a kid: “Big hairy deal!”

rojo's avatar

I always thought battleaxe had an e on the end. Learn something new every day

rojo's avatar

Squirrel. Not sure why we used this as an insult as kids but we did.

gailcalled's avatar

@rojo; Either spelling is acceptable.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Hella. After high school, I realized how stupid it made me sound, so I stopped using it altogether.

osoraro's avatar


gondwanalon's avatar

Bitchen! As a kid I loved using that word. Unless I’m at a car show, I feel weird saying it nowadays.

Pachy's avatar

I used to use the word “So” as the coordinating conjunction it properly is (“I like questions about language so I’m going to answer this one”), but “thanks” to the appropriation of this tech by the Media, its now-ubiquitous overuse as the first word of every interviewee’s sentence on TV or radio has caused me to avoid using it whenever I can.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Bite ME! was big with me, now I seldom use it.

ibstubro's avatar

“Big hairy deal” made me lol, @kritiper. I’d forgotten.

Not a week goes by that I don’t see a squirrel run out into the road, stop, run a few steps in the opposite direction, then dash across the street, making me think, “no wonder we called them squirrels”, @rojo. True story. I was surprised I didn’t have to put an ‘e’ on the end, too.

I never fell into ‘Hella’, @Winter_Pariah. Thank you for stopping, a’rite?

I switched to “gourd” in text, @osoraro. Means the same to your respondent, with a dash of humor/sarcasm.

I cringed, @gondwanalon. Not even at a car show! :-)

NPR much, @Pachy? The overuse of ‘so’ is epidemic there. Makes me even crazier.

Kiss my grits, @SQUEEKY2.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It’s hard for me to answer this question, because I find that I’m now using a lot of the words that were particular to decades gone by – either words that I had stopped using, or words that were popular before my time. So, “totally” and “neat” and “groovy” find their way into my sentences lately, in an odd, retro way. I don’t know if this is something others are doing, but I find myself doing it. I’m not sure anything is off the table anymore.

@Pachy Are you saying that you’ve banished the word “so” from your vocabulary entirely, such that you don’t even use it in appropriate situations, like the one you described? I don’t know why you would do that.

ragingloli's avatar


Darth_Algar's avatar

“Often” is a word I seldom use.

bossob's avatar

I still say cool, far out, and right on, and every time I say them, I wonder if I should make an effort to drop them from my vocabulary.

However, I have managed to quit saying ‘groovy’ and ‘the man’!

talljasperman's avatar

Thank you. I rarely here it. Other than the bus, people rarely say thanks anymore.

auntydeb's avatar

Young. About myself that is. I just ain’t any more…

ibstubro's avatar

I still say groovy quite a bit. And queer, in the traditional sense, @dappled_leaves & @bossob.

Thank you is possibly my most used phrase, @talljasperman. On auction days I say it about once per minute for several hours. It’s just so ingrained in me that I thank everyone for every thing all the time.

Did you ever notice that few people who answer my questions fail to receive a GA?

majorbacon's avatar

Any slur towards sex, sexual orientation, race, gender

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