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talljasperman's avatar

How do I reverse a Roman Catholic baptism, and a confirmation ?

Asked by talljasperman (21916points) July 5th, 2015

When asked if I would route out evil I said no. I didn’t want to have to fight the Catholic school board for not being just and fair (basically evil to me) . I only went to the group confirmation because I wasn’t alowed to go to high school without being baptised and confirmed to the Roman Catholic Church. I would miss my friends. I got away with saying no because it was with a group of people. Do atheists have an undo baptism?

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12 Answers

Adagio's avatar

Isn’t it something that takes place in the heart? If you don’t believe it now then it means nothing anyway.

keobooks's avatar

I think atheists would say that you don’t need to undo the baptism.

stanleybmanly's avatar

There is no need to seek a formal and expensive excommunication, unless you believe your baptism and confirmation valid. And if you believe them valid, why leave?

kritiper's avatar

To continue to be a Catholic, you have to attend church at least once per year during the Easter period. Atheists don’t have to “undo a baptism,” they just quit going to church and all of the other things associated with their former religion. It doesn’t mean becoming a total asshole, just quit believing in the existence of “God” and move on. And ditto on what @stanleybmanly said above.

keobooks's avatar

Yeah, basically an atheist would argue that you made a promise to someone that doesn’t exist, so there was no real promise made. If no promise was made, then it can’t be broken.

If you are not an atheist, you may feel guilty about making a promise to God and be a little worried that God may punish you for breaking it. If so, maybe you could write an apology letter to God and burn it outside. Some people believe that the dead receive burned letters written to them. I don’t see why God wouldn’t get it, if they can. It may make you feel better.

Personally, I think if God exists, he doesn’t care. If he’s really omnipotent, he already understands that you were forced to get baptized against your will. You can’t make a promise while under duress. But you may feel better making up a little ritual of apology. I don’t think it needs to be done at all unless you really feel the need to apologize.

bestbroseph's avatar

Lol to an atheist you just rinsed your face.

cazzie's avatar

If you really don’t believe, then that little ritual was meaningless. What you might want to check is if you are on some church registry somewhere as a ‘member’. This sometimes has meaning if you ever become ill or die suddenly, people can look up on registers to see if you were ever registered as a member of a church. If they see that you were a member of a certain Catholic diocese, you might end up with a Catholic burial or find a priest at your bedside at the hospital.

Not sure how it works in Canada, but on our ‘citizen registry’ our faith (or lack there-of) is listed.

LostInParadise's avatar

Maybe you can request to be excommunicated. Does the Catholic church still do excommunications? I am guessing that if excommunications are still done, they won’t do it on request, since excommunication is intended as a punishment. I would love to see what they write back to someone making the request. “Sorry, we only excommunicate people who don’t want to be excommunicated.”

cazzie's avatar

My oldest brother is Catholic and hates his first wife so much that he tried to get their 20 plus year marriage annulled, in effect, making his 4 children bastards. I don’t think he was successful. He is still in therapy some 20 plus years later.

osoraro's avatar

Why would you want to? I’m a Jew, who had a bar mitzvah and a confirmation. I am proud of it. The fact I’m an atheist also has nothing to do with it.

planetsreign's avatar

There is nothing that You need to do.

There is a Website that would Help You understand better, Why You Left the Catholic Church.
And Why You never want to return. But You want to MOVE ON, Keep Learning. DISCOVER.

Keep Moving in Your Walk with God and Discovering more Facts.

Click Here –

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