Social Question

stanleybmanly's avatar

Have you picked up any habits from your partner or exes?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) May 7th, 2016 from iPhone

That sweaty sex question made me realize that I’m crawling with habits acquired from women in my life.

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8 Answers

Pachy's avatar

My ex-wife adamantly refused to pay late charges and avoidable interest, and taught me to do the same. By religiously paying all bills within 30 days I haven’t paid extra charges in 25 years

janbb's avatar

After a 40 year marriage, probably too many to count. How to diagnose a problem wit mechanical objects, folding socks and t-shirts his way, using certain English locutions, a more “rational” approach to certain issues and a love of savoury pies. I wonder if there is any residue of me left in him?

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve started to adopt his accent! He’s American and I’m British. Apparently its a rare syndrome, FAS (Foreign Accent Sydrome) which occurs in some people where they mimic the tone/accent of people they interact with. It sometimes happens with other people too. I’m always scared that those people will actually take it as a form of mockery when in fact it just happens, no intention to offend anybody. Strange.

si3tech's avatar

A good habit of turning off lights as I leave an area/room.

JLeslie's avatar

The habit of always putting my keys in a designated place.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@janbb 40 years!!?? you can bet your pin feathers on it!

Coloma's avatar

No! I divorced my ex because ( amongst other things of course ) we had polar opposite personality types that didn’t mesh well after the initial flurry of hormones and blind romantic love. He was very cautious, methodical and rigid in his ways and I am more the free spirited type. I was driven to near insanity by his OCD need for routine and structure and having things his way. He once spent about 20 minutes coaching me like some over zealous boy scout leader, on how to build the perfect fire with 3 sticks of kindling and a half sheet of newspaper.

I almost hit him in the head with the fireplace poker. lol
If I want to use 6 sticks of kindling and 3 sheets of newspaper back the fuck off and leave me alone! haha
I am very non-controlling and a thower awayer, I keep no old bills, bank statements ( everything is online anyway right? ) receipts, etc. and only my taxes and a few important documents. I am just not the type to keep 5 years of electric bills to chart the rate changes, who cares? haha

Uh uh…all of my exes incompatible qualities were what caused me to leave them, not absorb traits that went against my nature.

cazzie's avatar

I had gotten in the habit of eating really healthy and exercising in my 20s and early 30s after being in a relationship with a bit of a controlling health nut. But when I moved to Norway, all bets were off. Too much responsibly, stress and loneliness after caring for my dying mother and then depression and more lonliness after her death to give a shit about myself anymore.

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