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NomoreY_A's avatar

What do you guys believe about the UFO phenomenon?

Asked by NomoreY_A (5546points) June 30th, 2017

In my view, these things are nuts and bolts craft from other star systems. The idea that we are alone in the universe is ridiculous to me. I’m interested In what you folks think… space ships from elsewhere in the cosmos, inter dimensional craft of some type, non existent, just whatever? And UFO just means anything in the sky that is not ID’d, yeah I get that. But I use the term in a Marvin the Martian sense, humor me.

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14 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

100% weather balloons.

PullMyFinger's avatar

I heard some things that there was only a 40% chance of weather balloons…

rojo's avatar

^^^ Sightings are expected to continue into early morning.

Zaku's avatar

I think people have seen stuff in the sky and some of the claims have been professional and intelligent and not attention-seekers or people on drugs. But I also know that I don’t know what they are, and there are probably multiple types of things that people have seen that are interesting.

I can’t rule out that some of them are extra-terrestrial intelligent life in one form or another.

I’ve seen at least one. Very fast bright light zooming overhead, so big and sudden and short that it was easiest to pretend it was a hallucination. But I’ve never had a hallucination like that since in all my long life, and I was a healthy young awake kid out during a clear day and IIRC another kid or two I was with saw it too. I’d say it might possibly have been a near oblique meteor burning up right over our heads, but I would expect then some sound or smoke or something, but there wasn’t any.

I’ve also spoken to several intelligent, non-BS, spiritual professionals whom I trust to honestly report their opinions of their experiences, and they report that there are frequent extraterrestrial visitors in some form described with words such as spirit or energetic that we can experience in non-physical-sense ways as sounds, visions, or impressions/thoughts that are not through our material senses.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I don’t.

I believe in the mathematical probability of ETs. And I love to read the documented news stories describing UFOs from the 1800s. People in small towns all over Texas and parts of the southwest describe an actual protracted battle in their skies by strange flying machines long before there were flying machines in the news accounts at the time. Love that one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t either. I’ve seen some things that I can’t explain, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an explanation for them.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@NomoreY_A I believe in them, and I believe they’re coming for you.

rojo's avatar

I vividly recall several of us kids laying out under the stars the summer of 1970. It was what we did for fun pre-iphone While laying there someone pointed out a satellite moving slowly across the sky. While we observed it suddenly made a 90 degree turn and headed off in a direction perpendicular to its original path. We watched it until it was no longer observable. As far as I know even to this day we do not have the technology to do that.

It was something, it was passing overhead and we didn’t know what it was so this meets all the criteria for a UFO.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sure we did.They were called F16 jet fighters, @rojo.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Were I a denizen of some civilization advanced beyond our own, there would be no difficulty in convincing me that the people of earth should be quarantined from more advanced civilizations
and closely observed.

Pachy's avatar

A true example of fake media.

flutherother's avatar

@ragingloli We hide behind the weather balloons.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

UFOs are simply objects in the sky that observers cannot identify. Most of them are eventually identified, and they all could be if more data was available. They may be planets, airplanes, balloons, helicopters, ball lightning, temperature inversions, etc. There is no valid reason to think that they are ETs in spaceships. There is no firm evidence that ETs have ever visited Earth, and some leading scientists have proven that “Interstellar Travel is Preposterous”, as Nobel Prize winner in Physics Edward M, Purcell was one of the first to calculate. Astronomer Sebastian von Hoerner summarizes it as, “The fuel demands for interstellar travel are impossible to meet”. Distances are too vast to ever be overcome in the lifetime of any bing. Excessive acceleration kills life. Matter has strict speed limits. The amount of fuel involves infinite regression. In short, ETs cannot come here, so we have the sme explanations for UFOs that we do for ghosts, etc. mistaken identifications, hallucinations and hoaxes!

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