General Question

qualitycontrol's avatar

Why is my belly button so sore?

Asked by qualitycontrol (2573points) February 17th, 2009

It’s really sore and hurts to touch it or bend over. Does anyone know anything about this?

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14 Answers

benseven's avatar

Inny or Outy?

cdwccrn's avatar

Probably a touch of yeast infection. Wash, dry, apply a dab of yeast killing ointment.

cheebdragon's avatar

have you used a new brand of soap recently? It could just be left over soap that irritated the skin, antibacterial soap (such as Dial) can do that.

RandomMrdan's avatar

have you recently been abducted, or recall dreaming about bright lights?

no but really, it probably became irritated somehow, whether you made a small scratch or something. I’m sure the body will heal itself.

imhellokitty's avatar

keep your fingers outta there

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@RandomMrdan is right. Aliens have been abducting you secretly in the night and performing all manner of morose and inhumane experiments on you using a usb 4.0 cable from their otherworldy laptops directly to your outie.

Are you allergic to the fabric in your shirt? How are your nipples? xD

buster's avatar

Yeasty belly buttons! GROSS!

imhellokitty's avatar

Hernia? Maybe it’s just in the bellybutton area, but not actually your BB.?

qualitycontrol's avatar

inny and it huuuurts…what’s a hernia?

imhellokitty's avatar

@gualitycontrol – a hernia occurs when the inside layers of the abdominal wall weaken then bulge or tear, sometimes requiring sugery to repair.

mcbealer's avatar

may be a hernia, unless the pain radiates toward the right half of your abdomen, in which case it could be your appendix. You should definitely visit a doctor soon, and avoid exerting yourself or doing any kind of lifting.

qualitycontrol's avatar

I discovered I had a small cut in my belly button that somehow got infected…I just applied some antibiotic ointment now it’s allll better

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