Meta Question

mirifique's avatar

For those with over 2000 lurve points: how long did it take and how did you accumulate as many as you have?

Asked by mirifique (1540points) March 16th, 2009

Any advice for those struggling on our way to the top?

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37 Answers

phoenyx's avatar

You can look at a member’s join date on their user page.

Mtl_zack's avatar

I have 4511 and I’ve been here over a year :(

peedub's avatar

Not long at all. I sent a money order to Andrew and my score went up almost overnight. If you have the means I highly recommend it.

wundayatta's avatar

My advice is that you should just have fun, meet some nice people, and not worry about your lurve score.

lefteh's avatar

I second what daloon said. Most of us don’t care too much about our lurve. It’s about the community, not the numbers.
That being said, touch my lurve and DIE.

jrpowell's avatar

Fart jokes and insults.

MacBean's avatar

How long did it take?: It’s taken me nine and a half months to get the 4679 points I have as I’m posting this.

How did I get that many?: I… answered questions.

Advice for people “struggling to the top”?: Don’t.

shadling21's avatar

Yeah, slow and steady wins the race. Not that there is a race to be won.

I think it took about 3 months of regular posting for me to get to 2000 lurve.

SeventhSense's avatar

I’ve been on the site for 2 weeks.
Just contribute value in one form or another.
Content or comedy.

SeventhSense's avatar

Much lurve. Lurve is endless.

casheroo's avatar

I just answer questions. It’s hard not to lurve me.

Dr_C's avatar

The point is to give lurve not to receive… but then when you answer as well as @SeventhSense lurve springs eternal

SeventhSense's avatar

@Dr C
Don’t play coy with me you tease.

Dr_C's avatar

I am but a humble jelly among the throng… those that stand out do so with or without praise and/or lurve

SeventhSense's avatar

Lurve for all..

wundayatta's avatar

Lurve is an interesting thing. One thing you’ll find out, if you’re here long, is that people “max out” on the lurve they give you that can add to your lurve score. I’m not sure what the “max” is, but after that, if they give you lurve, it won’t affect your score.

This means that it gets increasingly difficult to get more lurve, and that you have to continuously appeal to new people. So people like GailCalled and others who have more than 10,000 lurve have consistently been able to offer good answers that appeal to an ever-widening group of people.

This is an astonishing thing that indicates consistent quality in their answers, and a growing reputation as a result of those answers. It is very hard work to build a reputation like that. You have to really care about your answers. You have to enjoy the topics. You have to be kind, ethical, and strong in your beliefs. You have to do research. It helps to be wise, too. And funny.

If you are these things, or even if you aspire to these qualities, and show you are working hard at it, I think that’s the best way to develop a good reputation.

I care deeply about most of the issues I write about. However, what I really, really like, is that questions get me to think about things. In exploring my own thinking, I sometimes write at length. Too long for some to read. You know what? It doesn’t matter if no one reads what I write. I get to figure out what I think, and for me, there’s nothing better.

I encourage you to be all those things.

Darwin's avatar

I have been here 8 months and have gotten 4690 lurve, mostly by having fun. I like to learn new things, I like to help people, I like word play, and I like to write. There is no struggling about it. I just answer (and very rarely ask) questions I am interested in. Sometimes people like what I say or think it is silly enough to deserve recognition. The result is a bigger number.

However, the number doesn’t really matter. It is the thought that counts, both my thinking and the effect my thought has on others.

essieness's avatar

I’ve been here a month and have 2089 lurve points. I don’t know what that means, but there ya go.

casheroo's avatar

@daloon I thought if you ran out of the lurve you could give, it just meant you needed a break from giving it to them..but after some time, you can give them actual lurve points again. No?

wundayatta's avatar

@casheroo: from what I understand, once you hit the limit, that’s it forever, unless they change the programming. You can give lurve to them in the form of GAs, but it won’t add to their lurve score.

Jeruba's avatar

If you max out with someone, it’s forever. The GA or GQ number on a particular contribution will still go up, but their points won’t. The most you can award any one person is somewhere around 100 points.

This seemed strange to me at first, but over time I have come to have great respect for the decisions made by the creators. I support them all, even the ones I don’t totally like, because they work so well to protect the interests of the community.

casheroo's avatar

That makes sense, thanks for clearing it up for me :)

Judi's avatar

If I didn’t have such a fluther addictioni wouldn’t have so much lurve!

AstroChuck's avatar

I’d give my two cents, but I’m much too important (note my lurve) to comment on this thread.

2000 points. Ha!

asmonet's avatar

It took me about six months to reach 10K, last night actually – 3.16.2009. Seven if you count the weeks I was without internet.

I dunno. When I joined I saw so few with over 6K and Marina/Gail hit 10K right when I started getting active. It blew me away. I mean, knowing the limit to lurve, having a vague idea of regular members…doing the math. It just seemed like you couldn’t just fuck around and get there. You had to try, you had have fun, be helpful, be considerate, sass when appropriate, kick some people back in place, get kicked into your place a few times…just. You know. Grow into it. Over time it happens.

Notice your lurve, and what gets the attenion. Don’t whore yourself out for lurve, just keep an eye on what people find helpful. What they don’t. It’s the same as integration into any group. You gotta feel it out. When you appreciate the tone of the community and it’s members it has a side effect of upping the lurve. Just is.

I got lucky when I found Fluther, my natural inclinations are to be a bit of a goofy sprite full of trivia and good chances of winning on jeopardy. Fluther kind of works in my favor most of the time. I found a wonderful, thriving, intelligent, and in the case of Chuckie and so many others a cheeky group that I just couldn’t bear to leave once I ‘got it’.

Daloon really summed it up wonderfully:

This is an astonishing thing that indicates consistent quality in their answers, and a growing reputation as a result of those answers. It is very hard work to build a reputation like that. You have to really care about your answers. You have to enjoy the topics. You have to be kind, ethical, and strong in your beliefs. You have to do research. It helps to be wise, too. And funny.

But on top of all these things, I think the quality that contributes most to lurve is not giving a damn about it. I appreciate it, I enjoy feeling useful or amusing. And yes, I was psyched about reaching 10K as my avatar’s tiara clearly shows but I don’t define my experience here by lurve, it’s at the bottom of my list. Pushed down deep by a list of wonderful, amazing, and lovely lurvely people.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve been here a bit shy of eight months. Accumulating this much lurve is not something I aspired to… my only goal is to ask, answer and enjoy :)

dynamicduo's avatar

As with everything in life, it’s an exponential graph. It’s easiest to get the first thousand or two lurve, but then it becomes harder as @daloon illustrates.

I, as an example, have accrued 7,231 lurve in exactly three months of being here. I can’t remember the dates when my milestones occurred because lurve really doesn’t mean a lot to me at all. It’s just an end result of the words I write. I rarely write answers to gain lurve, nor do I participate in lurve giving/getting threads. I simply communicate my thoughts and opinions, just like I’m doing now.

In my opinion, the best strategy for getting lurve is to post insightful questions and answers, and to be who you are.

Trustinglife's avatar

I care more about lurve than I care to admit. I can’t help but pay close attention to which answers of mine get lurve and which don’t. I hear others who don’t care, and after about 3,000 or 4,000, when points came in slower spurts, I stopped caring as much. And like Jeruba said, I trust the wisdom that went into that decision, but it has become less of a motivator, as less of it was available.

Why do I care about lurve? Lurve represents a hit of appreciation for my wit and wisdom. I like being appreciated.

augustlan's avatar

Oh, I care about the lurve… I just wasn’t trying to accumulate it. Each individual helping of lurve makes me feel appreciated (and a little bit giddy, too).

AstroChuck's avatar

Auggie, notice how it just creeps along now? I used to jump up in no time.

augustlan's avatar

Well, I know I maxed out on you long ago, Chuckie. :(

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Those with lots will lie about how important it is, and some folks, like AC, will just rub it in your face. I think it has to do with (a.) having a cute avatar, and (b.) kissing a lot of ass.

Of course, if you are like me, you will get no lurve at all because people don’t understand that with your sense of humor, you aren’t trying to be mean, it just reads that way. I yam what I yam, and if that don’t gets me lots of lurve, well, so be it. :-)

And yeah, writing a big fat check to Ben or Andrew never hurts.

I think AC must have paid them off with a fat chunk of stimulus money he got from pretending to be a bank exec in financial straits.

Someone asked an ‘are you an asshole’ question awhile back. I am not just a member of the American Association of Concerned Assholes, it seems that I’m the frikken president!

Dr_C's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra how does one join? i’m pretty sure i’m qualified… sign-up sheets?

augustlan's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Well I lurve you. :)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Dr_C, it’s easy, just tell anyone who cares to listen that you can be an asshole if the mood strikes you, and if they agree, you are in.

@augustlan, And I lurve you right back.

And I should really answer the question here. I joined Sept 15, 2008 and I have over 3,000 lurve points, so I guess I ain’t doing so bad. My previous answer was pretty much tongue in cheek. More bizarre silliness from my malfunctioning brain.

asmonet's avatar

I lurve you too, Zee. :)

Jeruba's avatar

If Aug and Mo lurve ya, @EPZ, I guess I’d better lurve you too.

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