Social Question

suzie271's avatar

How would you feel if you were a senior/manager in an office and was really into jewellery and a junior (me) got a bigger diamond engagement ring than you?

Asked by suzie271 (284points) December 4th, 2010

I ask this as I feel a bit awkward. Yes I am the junior :) with the rock :).

I can tell that the manager in question in my office is jealous. Cuz when I got engaged, although I never really speak to her. She came up to my desk to chat with me and inspect my ring and compare it with hers. I could also tell by the look on her face and the way she was acting that she couldn’t believe mine was bigger.

I know my ring strictly is not a reflection of me but my fiance’s earnings..

But what do you think?

And no I don’t flash it around.. I am actually considered to be very quiet and reserved person at work.

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16 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

Personally, I wouldn’t care. I don’t like be rings anyway and I don’t see the point in having a huge ring. When my husband and I talked about rings, I told him that I didn’t want anything bigger than a certain size because I don’t like bigger rings.

With that in mind, I’d be happy for you that you had a nice ring and go back to what I was doing.

wundayatta's avatar

Her feelings are her problem, not yours. If she wants to feel jealous who are you to tell her not to?

FutureMemory's avatar

I think it’s silly (and kind of pathetic) that she would be jealous of your larger diamond ring. If I was proposed to, the engagement ring would mean so much to me that what it actually consisted of (in this case, probably a gold band with a diamond) would be irrelevant to me. it’s what it signifies that’s important, not its intrinsic value. I think she’s being incredibly shallow and immature.

Which mod do I have to bribe to nominate this for Question of the Day ?

ParanoidAndroid's avatar

Just the idea should count—not the actual gift itself (although they’re nice..). Ergo, I wouldn’t have cared in the slightest.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I wouldn’t care because that is between you and your fiancĂ©.

ratboy's avatar

It’s time to start your job search.

nikipedia's avatar

I would completely not give a fuck.

jca's avatar

I always felt the engagement ring type/size/showing off stuff was so stupid and shallow. There are so many other things to focus on in life besides who has a bigger, better ring.

Berserker's avatar

I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass. My husband could give me an onion ring for all I care, as long as his love carried it to me.
I’m not surprised by your story though, our society is so superficial and it’s pathetic that trophies seem an adequate means of worth, especially for an emotion most people don’t even understand.

Cruiser's avatar

Bigger is not always better. The 4 C’s cut, carat (weight), clarity, and color all determine the true value of the diamond. You can get a one Carat low quality diamond for a fraction of the cost of a ½ carat high quality diamond and aside from the size and cut, this is something really canno tell with the naked eye. Color and clarity as well as the cut is where the real dollars are involved.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

I think this is a shallow question. The size of the stone doesn’t mean you are loved anymore. It means your fiance has more money than brains.

cazzie's avatar

This entire topic sounds sad, shallow and immature. I’m happy for you on your engagement and I hope that you build a very happy and successful life together and that the ring becomes MUCH much less of a big deal. Because it’s not. (never understood the diamond thing, and we spent our money on two identical bands of platinum and titanium because it expressed our feelings about our union, strong and precious and rare.)

lillycoyote's avatar

I’ve never been married but as far as I can tell the size of the engagement ring only matters to people who care more about the ring more than they care about the marriage. My mother never had an engagement ring. My father couldn’t afford one when he asked her to marry him because they had both just finished graduate school and my mother never really wanted one. It didn’t matter to her that much; she was very down to earth and it was money better spent on other things. My parents’ marriage, and it was a good one, lasted 47 years and would have lasted longer if my mom hadn’t died a couple of months after their 47th anniversary. If the size of your ring matters to your manager do your best to ignore it because it is her problem. If it matters to you, then that is a different issue.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Someone else’s ring wouldn’t matter to me at all. That’s her problem,not yours.

suzie271's avatar

thanks for your opinions :)

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