Social Question

raven860's avatar

Who is someone you admire? What makes you admire him/her?

Asked by raven860 (2179points) February 20th, 2011

Who is someone you resent?

Why do you resent them?

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10 Answers

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I admire all parents in my pharmacy class. Especially one of them whose mother has just passed away and she’s still working really hard in the program. They have to deal with things that I don’t have to and I really admire them for working through them.

bob_'s avatar

I admire Superman ‘cause he can fly and shit.

TexasDude's avatar

I admire Theodore Roosevelt because he is what I view as the paragon of badassness and what I should aspire to be.

I don’t resent anyone.

Joker94's avatar

I admire @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard for being a total BAMF. Oh, and Daniel Day-Lewis, because of his incredible commitment to portraying his characters, which is something I want to do.

TexasDude's avatar

@Joker94, thank you, good sir. De-lighted!

Joker94's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Any time, old chap, any time.

12Oaks's avatar

Trevor Bayne, for obvious reasons.

Cruiser's avatar

I admire my son. He is twice the man I ever was and witnessing all that he does each and every day inspires me to work harder and be a better dad for him.

jca's avatar

When I was growing up I admired my mother. She started out (prior to my birth) with a BS in Biology. When I was about 12, she had divorced and went back to get her MBA. She worked in the city (more than an hour each way between train and commute) until she retired. If I took the train to the city one day I would be tired the next.

osullivanbr's avatar

I really admire that @osullivanbr fella. He’s top class in my opinion. Great guy. Handsome and sweet smelling too.

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