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wundayatta's avatar

Has a cookie ever changed your day?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) April 11th, 2011

What kind of cookie was it? How did it change your day?

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20 Answers

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Cookies always brighten a gloomy day for me! Any kind of cookie, but usually chocolate ones. Go figure, right? :P

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, often, especially oatmeal raisin.

And to quote an old Doonesbury from the early ‘70’s:

“Even revolutionaries like chocolate chip cookies!”

JLeslie's avatar


A black and white cookie reminds me of childhood and New York. Especially wonderful when my husband surprises me with one. Since they cannot be found where I live, it is like a special effort that he saw one, or went out of his way to buy one for me. When in NY or FL I usually buy myself a small one as a special treat.

Entemann’s chocolate chip cookies are so so yummy at any time they can make me feel better. I also cannot buy them where I live (hard to believe I know).

When I was little a friend of my parents worked for Nabisco, and he always had cookies in his house. They used to call me the cookie monster, cause I would raid their stash and finish the cookies.

I know you did not ask, but my favorite cookies are: Archway oatmeal, Keebler fudge sticks, wedding cookies with powdered sugar, oreo’s, and the cookies mentioned above.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Does a muffin count? When I worked retail, one Christmas Eve shift we were (predictably) slammed and had had a wave of really pissy customers. I mentioned to my co-worker that on my break I wanted to try something from the new muffin shop. 15 minutes later a lady who had been in the store earlier came back with a bag of muffins for us. She’d overheard my remark and wanted to give us a little treat. That changed my day! and it was a really good muffin!

blueiiznh's avatar

Oatmeal Raisin, Molasses, Pistachio Macaroons
Even though I am well past the care package days of college, my Mother will suprise me by mailing a package with some of my favorite homemade cookies.
They are sheer joy to get and eat. It’s the simple things that make a huge difference.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,no it hasn’t
It always takes two cookies
I did know a guy that caught an Oreo tossed from the roof of a house in his mouth like a beagle.That cookie was a life-changer indeed!

jonsblond's avatar

I’m always in a better mood after I receive compliments about my peanut butter cookies, so sure, a cookie has changed my day!

ucme's avatar

Me? No, this lady….yes! She’s delightful.

Facade's avatar

Yep. They were chocolate chip. My body responds very noticeably to endorphins released by eating junk food, which is probably why I like it so much =)

Seelix's avatar

Indeed. Every year Tim Hortons sells Smile Cookies in support of kids’ charities. They’re supposed to look like this, but I once got one that looked more like this. That’s not my picture. Unfortunately I ate it before I thought to take one.

My Indifferent Cookie made me giggle.

muppetish's avatar

I can think of two occasions. The first was during my Senior Symposium course when our professor whipped out girl scout cookies (mm, thin mints) and the second was when I concluded my spring break over pizookies with my closest friends.

Foolaholic's avatar

Yes it has. I had just slogged through a 9 hour shift and was ready to banish the next person who tried to pay for 6 bucks of merchandise with a 100 dollar bill to an unspeakable hell. My buddy dropped by with a bag of cookies, gave me a couple and we drove out to the beach to swim some and watch the sunset. Turns out the cookies where his first ever batch of marijuana treats, and about 70 minutes later I watched one of the best sunsets I have ever seen. I counted at least 3 shades of purple :D

JustJessica's avatar

My Great Grandmothers Ginger snaps and her peanut butter cookies always made my day better. Oh how I wish I had paid more attention and learned to make them just like her.

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t really like cookies that much, but they make great rewards for my grandsons.

josie's avatar

Many times. Chocolate chip.

prolificus's avatar

Cookies are better than Prozac! At 1:23pm on 2/10/11, a big, soft sugar cookie from Corner Bakery, leftover from another dept’s staff mtg, set out for others to enjoy, changed my day. I went from, “ugh, this day is sucky long,” to “WOOOOOH HOOOOOOOT COOOOOOOKIES!!!!!!!!”

SavoirFaire's avatar

A good chocolate chip cookie can not just change my day, but make it. Even better, an extra chocolate chip cookie I had once made someone else’s day, and she’s not been rude to me once since (“rude” is her default mode of being).

choreplay's avatar

You have no ideal how many brownie points I get for delivering cookies and coffee to my wife in bed in the morning. My wife wants to add that she finds me hot when I have cookie breathe. I really don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not????

JLeslie's avatar

Brownie points? Pun intended? I love brownies too! Right up there with cookies.

choreplay's avatar

Pun intended.

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