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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is there a postive side to everything?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46871points) July 15th, 2011

For example, what are some GOOD things about unrelenting, unending hot (100+ days)? Man. Seriously. It’s been over 100 degrees for six weeks straight. Last time I remember anything like this was in 1980. Complete misery.

But one GOOD thing is, I don’t have to hang my clothes out on the line. No. I just have to set the clothes basket full of clothes outside for about 15 minutes and they’re all dry.

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25 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Just keep in mind: It could be worse.

And in no time at all, it probably will be. You can say it then, too, and be just as right

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III Remember shoveling snow in the winter.

Blackberry's avatar

I do think of shoveling snow when it’s that hot, but either way, I love it. I love sitting around in my boxers and wearing shorts and a shirt when I go out to drink rum punches and pina coladas.

MilkyWay's avatar

No, there isn’t a positive side to everything

tom_g's avatar

Are there any parts of your life that have changed? Are you taking on less and moving more slowly because of the heat? Are you spending more time with friends and family and bonding a bit over the shared experience? Have you been forced to reevaluate your relationship with nature?
I’ll admit that I am extremely sensitive to the heat. It was in the 80s and humid this week, and I was struggling. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Sometimes, however, things that appear to be all bad now might end up changing the course of your life in a good way that will only appear years later (if at all).

Somewhat unrelated, but I found it inspirational. Maybe you can adapt it to “How to be happy in 100 degree weather”? I read this yesterday.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Blackberry It’s too hot to go outside and drink anything!

No, no parts of my life has changed. None of my relationships have suffered. The divorce will be final tomorrow. It’s all good.

Mariah's avatar

Some people can find a positive lesson to take away from even the most tragic of events; I admire these people more than anyone else. But I don’t think that everybody is capable of that. I can’t decide for sure, but my gut feeling is no.

ucme's avatar

Well, most stuff yeah, if you want there to be.
I mean, if my nuts get caught in rusty razor wire while attempting to fight off the sexual advances of a bear with a boner, then there ain’t no sunny side to that horrific chapter.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ucme Look on the bright side. He probably doesn’t have a std he can transmit to you.

ucme's avatar

Oh joy, rapture, although my balls are torn to shreds & my arsehole has seen better days.

SpatzieLover's avatar

You also have one fuck of a story to tell at the pub @ucme

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ucme And an excuse to whip em out and show others the scars.

ucme's avatar

I can pretty much guarantee if I lose my testicles i’m not going to have the enthusiasm to socialise, in fact, i’m pretty much a shell of a man right there :¬(

MilkyWay's avatar

My stomach hurts from laughing!

SpatzieLover's avatar

See it is funny shit for the pub folks!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ucme No…the good thing is you wouldn’t spend SO MUCH time in the shower any more! All the water you’d save!

ucme's avatar

A positive outcome after all then, happy days!

Kardamom's avatar

I absolutely believe that there is not always a positive side to everything, even though we all still have to try to do our best with the situations that we have, because not doing that is a much worse alternative.

That being said, here are the positives for your particular situation, with the heat:

You and your husband can run around in your yard at night having naked water balloon fights.

You don’t have to feel guilty about eating popsicles and ice cream.

You can bust out all of your favorite “hot weather” recipes (stuff with melons and fruit and nifty salads and cool drinks and granita)

You can run through the sprinklers like you did when you were a kid and you can sit in a wheelbarrow full of cool water (like a couple of jellies on another thread did) with a cold beer in your hand.

And your husband can run ice cubes all over your (bleeeeeeeeeep edit) : – )

cockswain's avatar

I challenge someone to find the positive aspects of child rape.

woodcutter's avatar

I feel ya about the 115 heat. I guess a semi positive thing is it kills my appetite so I don’t eat much, but I’m on the crapper a lot so….how does that work? I mean what could be coming out?

woodcutter's avatar

Any kind of rape is going to be all bad I’m sure.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, yeah.

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