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pashley_108's avatar

Would you give your life to save someone else's?

Asked by pashley_108 (410points) July 18th, 2011

If you had a choice would you?
For me it would depend on the person, but because im young I still have so much of my life to enjoy. So that would make me think a lot harder, especially depending on the type of situation.

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23 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Generally speaking, no. I wouldn’t expect anyone to give up theirs to save mine, either.

TexasDude's avatar

Would I take active measures to defend someone else’s life?

Yes. (This implies a willingness to potentially die for someone else)

Would I offer myself up as a sacrifice in some kind of situation where I knew I would die?

Probably not.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It certainly depends on the person. I could easily see myself giving my life for the life of a child. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would give my life to save one of my sisters.

pashley_108's avatar

I know I would for sure if it was my child!

lillycoyote's avatar

I just don’t know. I kind of like to think that I have it in me but I think that’s one of those things you just can’t be sure of, you can’t be sure what you’re made of, what you’d really do until the choice is right there in front of you face.

FutureMemory's avatar

Fiddle’s answer represents my mindset much better than my original post.

Hibernate's avatar

For friends or family yeah. Though if I’m not 100% sure this sacrifice will help them I prolly won’t do it. The sacrifice will be in vain then.
But these situations where you have to give your life for someone else are so rare and this becomes only a principle.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

For my children, yes.
My wife, yes but she would not allow it!

Schroedes13's avatar

For any immediate family member or my best friends in an instant.

Plucky's avatar

Yes, I am quite certain I would.

roundsquare's avatar

Generally, probably not, though that does disappoint me. I would do it for my sister without hesitation. I would also take fairly big risks with my life to save others, but it would depend on the details and the probability of it actually saving their lives.

stardust's avatar

It depends on the situation but I immediately thought of my niece and nephew and I would definitely do it for them.

ucme's avatar

If my kids lives were in mortal danger, meaning I had to sacrifice myself for them, absolutely I would.
Any other scenario is probably stretching things a little far.

Seelix's avatar

It would depend on whose life was in danger. There are only a few people I’d take a fatal bullet for.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I almost did.

Mariah's avatar

Yes I would.

flutherother's avatar

Yes, for two people.

rock4ever's avatar

Yes, I would do it without a single thought. Unless the person was old or in some great physical pain and told me not to.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I can never be sure until I am actually in that situation but, I believe, I would give my life to save the man I love.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m with @lillycoyote in that for some things I know I really couldn’t say until in that spot.

Berserker's avatar

I guess I might say yes, but if that actually came up, I probbaly wouldn’t.

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