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Ayesha's avatar

(NSFW) Mixing food with making love? Your thoughts. (Details inside)

Asked by Ayesha (6218points) September 9th, 2011

Do you like mixing food with sex?
I suppose I wouldn’t mind syrups or whipped cream, but proper food, no.
What are your thoughts?

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21 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like a nice ham with my sex.
Seriously, I just came across whipped cream with alcohol in it. That might be interesting. The syrups are really messy.

Ayesha's avatar

That’s a first!
I like messy.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Unless it’s some sort of dessert topping, no.

SpatzieLover's avatar

From experience I can tell you…not really, No.

Honey was a big effing mistake that I’ll never forget

I prefer to eat a nice meal afterwards…especially if I have the luxury of ordering room service or having the meal delivered.

ratboy's avatar

KY jelly vs Butterscotch pudding—no contest!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

It’s not for me. Like @SpatzieLover, I enjoy a good meal after the sex, maybe some light decadent noshes before like champagne and yum bites of fruit.

janbb's avatar

Semen sauce anyone?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m with @SpatzieLover . The combination is highly overrated. I did the honey, too, and it was a terrible. Ideal for me is erotic food before – and after.

Look, ice cream is delicious. A great hamburger or quiche is delicious too. But mix them together in a blender and all you get is yuk. . You’re simply not giving each dish the attention it deserves.

rebbel's avatar

It is overrated, I think.
Years ago we introduced some sweet cream into the bedroom but it was only fun for a minute.
First of, the cream was cold on the skin, the eating it was yummy that was the fun minute, but then the remaining cream got smelly and sour due to body heat and it was like being in a cheese shop.
Honey is nice for a minute too that is, if you like honey, which I don’t, but my (then) girlfriend did but it gets messy and sticky.
Bananas was a total disaster, but I won’t get in to the details.
Fot those who are interested: the story has been told before on Fluther…, use the search option!

Cruiser's avatar

Small amounts of well place whip cream or chocolate sauce is fun for sure…but lathering up with the stuff is something you only do once! (OK 3 times) A blindfold is a must and so are surprises like Pop Rocks and bacon!

Berserker's avatar

Not for me. In fact, that really turns me off. :/

Joker94's avatar


Blackberry's avatar

Not my thing, I would be annoyed at the stickiness and staining my bed or something. Sweat, vaginal juice and semen are different lol.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

No thanks. Never appealed to me, still doesn’t.
@Adirondackwannabe for what it’s worth, I’ve heard that the alcoholic whipped cream tastes really bad.

Jude's avatar

No interest.

Hibernate's avatar

I try not to get the mixed up. It’s not that it sounds bad and all but you either eat or you have sex. I can’t understand even those who use cream/honey/siroups etc. If you partner tastes that bad tell them to get a bath before sex ^^ , it’s that easy.

DrBill's avatar

the mistake most make is using too much, it is suppose to be a garnish not the main course

HungryGuy's avatar

A little whipped cream up the ass never hurt anyone :-p

HungryGuy's avatar

@Ayesha – Eat it all for me! And lick your plate clean afterward :-p

ucme's avatar

I once put some jelly & fruit on the wife’s pussy, but I felt a trifle silly ;¬}

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