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johnny0313x's avatar

How can i fix this about my eyes?

Asked by johnny0313x (1860points) October 9th, 2011

Lately i’ve been noticing in pictures this crease under my eyes. I am 25 years old and maybe this is just age setting in but I hate it! I don’t sleep the way I should so I am sure that would help alot but is there a cause for this happening? Anything I can do to help it out? I feel like my eyes look more sunk in or just blah…

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27 Answers

XOIIO's avatar





Nah, seriosuly. Maybe try to take attemtian away from your eyes. Do you need glasses? There are also those caffeine roller things to reduce that

XOIIO's avatar

Also, welcome to fluther and this should be in general.

johnny0313x's avatar

Sorry I figured it was more of a social opinion type of thing. I do need glasses to be honest but I’m not about to wear them lol. I suppose my main question is if it’s coming with age or if it’s from not taking good care of myself with lack of sleep or diet. Aging is my biggest fear.

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Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Lemon juice. 3x a day under the eyes. It tightens up the area.

Scooby's avatar

I’d say lack of sleep but you know this already, try to get more sleep & drink enough water on a regular basis, stop smoking & drinking too much alcohol…… :-/

gailcalled's avatar

There is only one (very unpleasant and very permanent) solution for the fear of aging.

Short of that, not wearing glasses when you need them will give you headaches, eye strain, wrinkles from squinting, and stress…all of which will neither enhance your appearance nor your demeanor. Why is choosing not to see well funny? Do you think that the world gives two hoots whether you wear glasses or not?

There may be a genetic component here, about which you can do nothing.

Pay attention to the normal rules of healthy behavior;

Enough sleep
Lots of fluid
No smoking and very little alcohol
Proper diet

I am really grateful that I live in an era of the prescription eye glass. 150 years ago I would probably have walked off a cliff or been eaten by wild dogs because I was so nearsighted.

You have choices;

Two for the esthetics only.
Or this look

Reviews for eye cream

Best in show (10 ml $65.00)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Salty foods will make a face puffy as will alcohol and inconsistent sleep. If your body isn’t used to a particular amount of water and you go and drink a whole bunch over a short period of days then you will look puffy until your body regulates.

Don’t sleep on your side or stomach, make sure you keep fantastic circulation and don’t waste money on cosmetic creams or gels.

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Do you have allergies? Certain allergies can cause a dark or sunken look around the eyes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Looking at the picture I don’t see a crease, but I see a bit of puffiness. Do you drink? That can cause that. So can allergies, as @ANef said. Damn it! Everybody already said everything!

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GabrielsLamb's avatar

They have a new product for men that takes care of this sort of thing.

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gailcalled's avatar

If the product works as well on men as on women, you are throwing a lot of money out the window. Use it to buy a good pair of walking shoes and get moving.

Scooby's avatar

@GabrielsLamb, this the stuff?? yes it works for me…....

johnny0313x's avatar

Well i do drink and smoke so yeah I guess thats a good place to start…there isn’t really a crease but more of a puffyness. I do always have sinus issues constantly and I am sure that plays a part in it as well.

gailcalled's avatar

Hmm. Drinking, smoking, insomnia and sinus infections? Let me find a genius to discover whether those behaviors contribute to the puffiness (sic) beneath your eyes.

Oh, so yeah, and let’s not forget ignoring your nearsightedness and squinting instead of wearing corrective lens.

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