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Nimis's avatar

Is there anything that you put away (or take out) when particular people come over to your house?

Asked by Nimis (13260points) July 13th, 2012

When Grandma comes to visit, do you bust out that hideous sweater that she knit for your birthday? Or put away those whips Augustlan! and chains?

Or is it just a matter of kicking the dirty laundry under the bed when your parents come over?

Or are you one of those bare-it-all-even-to-my-grandma-who-may-have-a-heart-attack type pf people?

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13 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

My youngest dog. She is exceedingly nervous and nips. So, to avoid her being stressed, us being stressed and the visitors being nipped, she has to wear a muzzle but then we put her out of the way if she doesn’t settle down.

Other than that, no.

JLeslie's avatar

I make sure jewelry, money, my purse, and medication is put away when people come to work on my house.

When friends or family come over I don’t hide or take out anything.

Cruiser's avatar

Put away pets, break out food and beverages. Nobody leaves here hungry!

Mr_Paradox's avatar

I always put my 12ga. in my safe. I usualy keep it under my bed but I dont need people shooting themselves on accident.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Just about everything goes under the bed and into the spare room. They always drop by without warning and I am always the messy(not dirty) type. So there is a lot of stuffing when the doorbell rings!

Judi's avatar

My MIL has been sick and will probably never travel this far again, but we used to put up this ugly painting she gave us.
I think large pieces of art are so personal. Unless someone has expressed a passion for a specific artist I don’t know why someone would give it as a gift. The exception might be holiday pieces that wouldn’t be expected to be put out all year long.

Haleth's avatar

Put away- empty wine bottles, dirty clothes, and half-finished art projects.

Take out- interesting books that I “just happened” to be reading, art projects that don’t suck, full wine bottles.

Really, my place is a mess, and I’m just shuffling different messy things around.

augustlan's avatar

Not anymore, but there used to be a rather large bong that had to be hidden from time to time.

PS: My Fluther whip is usually sitting out in the open, for anyone to see. It never even occurred to me to hide it! My bad.

ucme's avatar

When the MIL comes a calling, that’s when I break out my headphones.
It’s cunningly concealed neath an afro wig, for I disguise myself as an amateur calypso playing rogue from Kingston Jamaica.

jca's avatar

I try to make sure the sink has nothing in it and the counters are tidy. I try to make sure the cat litter is totally clean. Other than that, I make sure there’s nothing embarassing out, like a vibrator!

Keep_on_running's avatar

Trash, dust, dirty dishes. The best thing about having a guest over is the clean house that comes with it.

athenasgriffin's avatar

I put away the mess and bring out the food and entertainment. If they are staying the night, I try to make sure I have an extra toothbrush and hairbrush, extra pillows and extra blankets out so they can be comfortable. I also tend to pick and choose the books that they can see, putting out the best sellers and classics, and keeping the romance novels and sci fi books out of sight.

Sayd_Whater's avatar

Whenever a special group of friends come along for drinks I just put the whisky and beers away from them.
I do this because we always start with wine and I believe it’s better to stick with it because when they start to mix up with beers and whisky they always end throwing up in the floor… I hope I’m not a bad person for this… ^_^ I got this tip from someone and it’s true… I never had to wipe it again =)

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