Social Question

creative1's avatar

What is the one thing that you can't have but you want more than anything?

Asked by creative1 (12071points) August 21st, 2012

This could be an object you can’t afford, a person whom is either unavailable or not interested in you or even a food for one reason or another you just can’t have.

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34 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I can’t think of a thing other than a fountain of youth.

YARNLADY's avatar

An apartment house on the beach with apartments for several other family members who would love to live there.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I hate to admit this but… I’d give a lot to have my prostate back. (A good one. Not the rotten one I had.)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

For Mom to have her eyesight back.

mazingerz88's avatar

Time travel

augustlan's avatar

Right this very minute, my oldest daughter for a cuddle. She went to college today, and we’re missing each other terribly already.

Normally, to be pain free.

janedelila's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer :( I’m sorry. Once someone here I think asked what, if one thing, I could change about my SO and I said his back pain that made him so miserable. Cuz it hurt me too.

anartist's avatar

to have my darlin’ Jacky back again.

_Whitetigress's avatar

Rickenbacker 360 in Midnight Blue (Any year made)

Sunny2's avatar

I always wanted a bigger bosom. I don’t think it’s in the cards. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

My Mom back.

woodcutter's avatar

A 2005 Park Avenue in cherry condition. Going places would be fun again.

Coloma's avatar

I WANT this freaking heat wave we have been having to go away!
I want to stop feeling hot, grouchy and sweaty with the smallest outdoor exertions. Grrrrrr!

Nullo's avatar

Fundamental changes to human nature. The rest of the things that I want I can get with the proper exertion of effort.

@Pied_Pfeffer There have been some pretty snazzy developments in the world of bionic eyes in the last decade or so. You may have more options there than you think.

abundantlife's avatar

A role in the movie.

bookish1's avatar

a new pancreas…
no, wait, I could handle being diabetic for the rest of my life… I’d rather be with that guy who makes me weak…

CWOTUS's avatar


Some days I would settle for a young woman. Sadly, they are also more or less out of reach, or just too quick for me.

FutureMemory's avatar

A machine that could clone human beings.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

There is a person I love more than anything in the world, and I can’t have her and it rips my heart out. But the only pain worse than not having her would be her pain if I did have her and anything happened to me. Life sucks sometimes.

ucme's avatar

A fantastic pair of glorious tits.
The abilitee two spel gud.

wundayatta's avatar

A world where the urge to cooperate is a bit stronger than the urge to compete. I’m not talking much of a change—just a little tweak. I value competition—but I think we go too far with it right now, and it is dysfunctional for humanity to fight quite this much.

Nullo's avatar

@wundayatta The trick there is to tie cooperation to competition. Team sports, for instance.

DaphneT's avatar

@ucme I have both. Too bad you’re there.. @Adirondackwannabe that was sad and then incomprehensible. @wundayatta I’ve always been that way, any other order and I just go cranky

I want a world where more people are introverts and less of this requirement to be extrovert all the time. Such a drag to be on all the time. I just want people to get out of my face. Come into the shop, make your purchase, be pleasant instead of grasping, we’d get along just fine if you wouldn’t make me your best bud, then go home.

hug_of_war's avatar

A job that paid me well enough to live on my own. I can’t complain seeing as how I haven’t had a job in a year and I like this new one, but I worry how I’ll ever have some independence. Or maybe I’d just like my $300 a month in student loans to disappear.

linguaphile's avatar

Right at this moment, I want the money to be able to give our dog the surgery she needs to repair an injured hip, but neither of us have the $3000 necessary. Our cat is lame and he also needs surgery, about $2000. sigh.

Other than money, I’ve always wanted to be a dancer, but wasn’t given the genes for it.

Nullo's avatar

Silly @linguaphile! Dancers don’t wear jeans! :P

wundayatta's avatar

@linguaphile Can you move? Because if you can move, you can dance. You don’t have to look like a ballerina to dance. Not even to be paid to dance, for that matter. For God’s sake, even I have been paid to dance. Although that was about 20 years ago. Believe it or not, I’ve earned more dancing than I ever did writing. I sold one article in my life. I may have gotten $30 for it. I don’t remember what I got paid for the performance, but it was a lot more than $30.

linguaphile's avatar

@wundayatta I can dance, and am a pretty good dancer. I used to coach dance/cheer teams and could outdance my girls. What I meant was, I’d love to have the body to be able to dance professionally, like for the Pilobolus company or other modern dance companies like that. I’m not genetically endowed in that way :)

@Nullo ha :)

wundayatta's avatar

@linguaphile I’m glad you didn’t let your lack of a traditional dancer physique keep you from dancing.

linguaphile's avatar

@wundayatta Me too, and thanks! :D :D

creative1's avatar

I wish that the man I loved didn’t have cancer and pass away 4 years ago. I want Kurt back!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@creative1 I am so sorry for your loss…
You deserve a hug. (U)

bookish1's avatar

hugs {{{{{ @creative1 }}}}}

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