Meta Question

Eggie's avatar

Is it weird to be on Fluther all day?

Asked by Eggie (5921points) September 13th, 2013

Yesterday, I found myself at the library just playing with my Android and really wanted to see its Internet surfing quality, but instead of Internet surfing, I did very little of that and instead I found myself for the whole afternoon just browsing on Fluther. When I left the library, I felt a sort of…well….guilt and a tiny bit of….shame…please don’t take it the wrong way… So, well…what I am asking is…is there anyone who can relate to what I am saying and do you think that I am weird for doing this?

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10 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Fluther is a great aid to procrastination. Or to relieving boredom. It’s a source of thoughts when you run out of your own. It’s a distraction from whatever situation you’re in. It’s company when you have none. I think some people have it on all day the way the radio used to be on all day, but you only tune in sporadically. It’s a step up from soap operas and replaying sports. Weird? I don’t think so. It’s a choice, and not a bad one.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yep, it’s much more interesting than fb and other sites to me. A better calibre of conversation, usually.

Buttonstc's avatar

Considering how many Flutherites do it, it’s not weird at all :)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I don’t know about ALL day, depends on your duties and responsibilities, which means you may have a lot of time on your hands. But YES, it IS a point of reference, a Central Perk, a place to check in throughout the day to see how things are going and what they all have to say. NOT a waste of time, an eye opener and motivation on the whole!

ucme's avatar

Dr.J must be bored shitless, look at him up there, rigid with the tedious monotony of looking down upon us day after day after day after day…

Katniss's avatar

I check in often, especially on my days off.

syz's avatar

Yes, yes it is.

Paradox25's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with that. There were times where I’d spent a good portion of the day on here and a few other havens. I simply can’t have the types of conversations that I do online with those who are around me who are only interested in cars, hunting, sports and sex.

I’m hoping to meet a few of these people that I’ve spoken to on another site. My only pet peeve is that I hate using any type of smartphone to surf the net or type words because I these to very difficult to do physically. I think that I’d made one response here on my iphone.

Pachy's avatar

Speaking for myself, I never stay on Fluther all day. Gotta go to the bathroom once in a while.

jonsblond's avatar

I could understand if it was a few years ago, but Fluther is dead these days. How do you do it?

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