Will Miley Cyrus calm as the wrinkles and sag comes or will she get more desperate with age?
I was going to say can we ask another silly question about a silly young woman but then I had to think; she is actually quite brilliant. The more shocking she becomes the more the media follows and listens and the more young ”wannabe minions” she recruits. One hardly even thinks of Madonna, Lady Ga-Ga, etc. They all seem tame compared to Miley. The more she is in the news, shocking or not, she gets invited to do halftime shows, numbers at award shows, etc. She is using her body for maximum gain, but what will she do when she is no longer young and hot? Will she accept that fact or try to be more shocking to keep the camera interested after the next young hot performer/entertainer comes along? Will she be trying to take her clothes off in even more shocking ways even though little will be interested? How far will she go to not be a has been? OK, done wasting a question; have at it.
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23 Answers
Madonna and Lady Gaga have had their moments…as many others have. Seems to me some kind of pop cycle, where someone eventually becomes washed out, and another star takes the place. Eventually, someone will replace Justin Bieber, as well. The Cycle of Life yo, just like in The Lion King.
Who knows what she’ll do. Or won’t do. I remember Britney Spears and Madonna having a famous kiss…then later they had another…it’s like, okay, we get the point. Wait and see, I guess. I don’t follow Miley Cyrus, don’t know what she’s like, I can’t even begin to take a guess, other than a general observation about what I’ve seen in pop music.
Lady Gaga is tame compared to Miley? What universe do you live in? Lady Gaga recently did a show where she was riding a mechanical bull while some chick puked on her. And this is supposed to be “art.” Miley humps giant teddy bears and smokes joints at award shows. Miley is the tame one. Tame, but trashy.
but what will she do when she is no longer young and hot?
She’d have to be hot in order to stop being hot. She stopped being attractive when she chopped all of her hair off and started licking inanimate objects.
And to answer your question, I don’t think wrinkles and sagging will be a problem for Miley for a long time, so who knows? The girl is only 21.
@livelaughlove21 Lady Gaga recently did a show where she was riding a mechanical bull while some chick puked on her.
Sounds like Lady Gaga is hitting that “desperate stage” where she will do anything to keep the torch burning hot.
The wrinkles and sags didn’t stop Madonna.
If you think they are bad check this out. (Not for the faint of heart). Here
Miley seems drugged to me. How she does in the future will depend on how addicted she is in the future.
Madonna never seemed strung out. I’m not saying she never drank or did drugs, I have no idea, but Miley look drug skinny, and her skin also looks druggy to me.
I agree with @JLeslie that Madonna never seemed strung out. She was never as skanky as Miley Cyrus is, in my opinion.
What Madonna did do, which was brilliant, was constantly reinvent herself, her clothes, her persona, so that she always appeared new and different and continued to fascinate people. Lady Gaga is trying to do that, too.
I don’t follow any of them but to me, Miley Cyrus is just totally skanky and screaming for attention with her tongue, her drugs and her tongue pointing.
@jca I don’t follow any of them but to me, Miley Cyrus is just totally skanky and screaming for attention with her tongue, her drugs and her tongue pointing.
How many years weeks can she keep that up and still have people notice, without upping the ante?
@Hypocrisy_Central: I hope her 15 minutes of fame are coming to an end in about a minute or two.
^ Lets hope not, she might drop ‘em and take a dump onstage. That will get the jaws dropping if she did not actually blow a giant fluffy bear in front of the bass player.
IMHO she won’t age well and will end up looking acting and sounding like and old Mickey Rooney and saying I was the number one star in the WORLD Bang smmmooootzzz.
This will be Miley at 1:04 in the clip
I actually am not hoping she disappears, I just hope she straightens out. The skank look is so unattractive. Her music is ok. She and Beiber are both a mess right now. People think it is funny because they were pop teen stars that adults look at and think their fame is all so ridiculous, annoying, and sickening sweet. I think they do have some talent, people like their music, and I definitely don’t think they are bad people. I am not happy to see them fall.
Miley is managing her career… brilliantly in my opinion.
Justin Beiber has nothing, no talent, no personality.
Go Miley!
I promise you she will never be invited to do the halftime show.
Miley Cyrus has earned $150 million before turning 21 yo.
She may not be YOUR cup of tea, but she is doing something right, and entertaining a lot of people while doing it. I think she is beautiful, brave, creative and inspires women to be who they are. Some of what she does is brilliant parody – and not every “gets” it.
She’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. She was a multi-millionaire before she turned 18.
Personally, I find her amusing. She makes me laugh. That’s what entertainers are supposed to do.
@SwanSwanHummingbird She’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.
She sure is, off the backs of working parents of all those little Mileybots. The parents that might be shocked the most are probably Miley’s largest financiers unwittingly.
@ragingloli Yes! I noticed that too amidst all the cr@p!
Oh, well. That’s fame. She is no different than anyone else.
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