Social Question

Buttonstc's avatar

Fluther Cat Lovers, are you aware that free cat images are available today only?

Asked by Buttonstc (27605points) April 14th, 2015 from iPhone

FAOTD=Free App Of The Day available in the Amazon Appstore.

It’s Catistry, a cute little puzzle with cat pictures.

MODS: This is not spam; just a friendly heads up to fellow cat lovers.

I have zero affiliation with Amazon. I have huge affiliation with cats and the people who love them.

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4 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Nice sharing but I have the real thing sitting 10 inches away from me next to my computer grooming herself right now. My little pussy “Mia”, a tortie point siamese and…look at my avatar, that is “Myles” after his summer shave job with the horse clippers 2 weeks ago. I have enough cat hair there to make another entire cat. haha

canidmajor's avatar

Just wanted to say how cute I find this Q!

Buttonstc's avatar


I’m just glad it didn’t get censored :)

BTW the same co. that produced this app also has one with dog pics. It’s not free but I believe it’s only .99 if you’re interested.

canidmajor's avatar

Thanks! I’ll look that up. :-)

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