Meta Question

AstroChuck's avatar

What's the story behind the black kitten?

Asked by AstroChuck (37664points) August 5th, 2008 from iPhone

Remember when you first joined Fluther and you had several jellyfish icons to select from for your avatar until you uploaded your own pic? Since jellyfish are the theme of Fluther it made sense. There was one other icon to choose from, that of the face of a black kitten. What’s the story behind that? Is this a picture of Ben’s or Andrew’s cat? Or a more sinister truth perhaps? Anybody know?

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30 Answers

mcbealer's avatar

Ich habe keine Ahnung!

good question, though

augustlan's avatar

maybe it’s milo :)

tinyfaery's avatar

It’s not Milo.

TheHaight's avatar

very good question… I never thought about this! That’d be funny if it was Milo.

jlm11f's avatar

you mean this kitten? hmm i have no idea.

andrew's avatar

Some very careful attention and deduction might reveal the answer.

augustlan's avatar

Andrew…no fair! If Chuck wanted to work for the answer, he wouldn’t have asked the collective! ;)

andrew's avatar

@tinyfaery: Not quite…

robmandu's avatar

It’s the Fluther sysadmin. Duh.

AstroChuck's avatar

@rob- You rock!
I was hoping for something sinister.

tinyfaery's avatar

That’s all I got.

Note to older members: any other mention of cats from the creators?

flameboi's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

All must kowtow to robmandu.
Shout out his name with reverent pride.
Rob-man-du! Rob-man-du!

jlm11f's avatar


flameboi's avatar

Rob-man-du u-u-u!

eambos's avatar

It’s Andrew’s Jerk-of-a-cat!

Wasn’t he mentioned in one of the podcasts?

gailcalled's avatar

Milo is an arisotocratic white cat with some subtle black here and there, plus a black tail. He looks like Maurice Chevalier and has an agent*, a manager*, a groomer*, a handler* and his own lawyer* and CPA* for business deals.

*me, *me, *me, *me, *me, and *me.

gailcalled's avatar

Anyone who would like an autographed pic of Milo, PM me with email address and SASE. (Small S & H fee.)

AstroChuck's avatar

Gail, Do you supply a Certificate of Authenticity with that?

gailcalled's avatar

AC: Anything you want, dear heart. Just ask.

gailcalled's avatar

Plus a bonus hair ball, if you like.

andrew's avatar

He’s actually not my jerk-of-a-cat. That’s basil. This is bacio!

gailcalled's avatar

Who’s Bacio?

andrew's avatar

he has a cameo in the playcast.

gailcalled's avatar

@Andrew: MIlo is really miffed that you didn’t let his agent know.

susanc's avatar

All Hail the Pow’r of Great Gail’s Name
Let Angels Prostrate Fall
Lift Up the Royal Diadem
And Crown Her OmniPotencia,
Otherwise Known As
”*me, *me, *me, *me, *me and *me”.

susanc's avatar

you probably had to be an episcopalian to know the melody

YARNLADY's avatar

hehehe where are these infamous censors when you need them?

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