General Question

Anonymous05's avatar

Do the police have to talk to the other person involved in a record?

Asked by Anonymous05 (185points) August 8th, 2017 from iPhone

If a guy owes a girl a lot of money, and harassed her for it, but in the end she willingly let him barrow money, then she goes to the police station after a certain amount of months because he starts to avoid it, so the police make her record it, but she says she doesn’t want him contacted, and they tell her they don’t have to, if she doesn’t want them to, they reinforce that statement that he won’t be contacted, it was just sit on file, anc they tell her at the end of the month, if he doesn’t pay like he said then she tells him she filled out a report and it will make him pay faster, and the cops say it’s just in the best interest, and they tell he it’s a better idea to put in on file. Then the cops continue to ask, if any crime was committed, and they say if the situation escalates to call them.

Does that mean they are being honest about not contacting him, or do they have to contact him by law?

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5 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The police are only recording it as background in case the dispute escalates to a criminal matter. The police don’t get involved over one person owing another money; they will only get involved if there was physical force or threats.

cheebdragon's avatar

The cops can’t do anything, if it was under 5k she will have to take it to small claims court.
She better have some tangible evidence that she loaned him money.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Jesus! What a sentance!

I don’t know what she hopes to accomplish by going to the police. They enforce laws. He did not break any law.
If she wants her money back she has to take him to small claims court.

CWOTUS's avatar

Police do not become involved in willing transactions (of a legal nature) between competent adults. They do not attempt to enforce contract disputes, late payment issues, short payments or other failures of execution of legal contracts.

If one of the parties feels physically harassed or abused, that is, battered, assaulted or threatened, then that is a potential police matter. But if the complainant decides after speaking to the police that he or she doesn’t want to press charges, then generally nothing more will be done and the police won’t “speak to” the other party.

Police may certainly record a conversation or interview in order to have evidence of a statement – as well as an unambiguous record of what was said – but again, if no charges are proffered, then the thing usually just sits in a file until it ages out of the system and is destroyed.

The statement by police that one of the parties tell the other that “a report has been filed with the police” is probably not helpful. If the party being complained about has not actually committed a criminal act (i.e., threatening, extortion, battery, etc.), and if he understands the law, then he will know that the implied threat of a “police report” is completely meaningless, and could be simply a provocation to an actual escalation of force or threat from a potentially dangerous or unstable individual. The cops were wrong to suggest that she mention that, I think.

But maybe they just didn’t understand this whole statement any better than I did, and just wanted it all to go away. The more I read it, the stupider I seem to get.

Kardamom's avatar

She made a stupid mistake. He’s a jerk. Unless there was some kind of written agreement or contract, that can be presented to a judge, the money is just gone, and the woman should just move on and not be so naive the next time.

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