Is there a company that will color match in an enamel or lacquer paint?
Not necessarily from a known formulation but from my own sample.
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28 Answers
Phone around to paint stores in your area and ask.
@SQUEEKY2 -The local paint stores in my area don’t do that. I know this because I called them. ;)
I am curious to see if anyone has used this service though…
What are you painting with lacquer or enamel ?
Here is a company my son has used for paint repairs on custom motorcycles. My perfect color
Aside from two cars, I have some art projects in mind, clay stuff.
I saw a ceramic origami style bowl that the artist, Anne Van Hoey painted in Porsche red. I believe she was able to get that paint from their supplier.
For my idea, I’d like to mix my own color to be made.
As for painting the cars, I will leave that to my husband.I painted my boat one time and he asked if I used a BBQ fork.I found his sarcasm very amusing.
Apparently, I mixed the two part paint a bit thick…lol
It wasn’t quite as hydrodynamic after that
Thanks for that link!!
I have seen on car shows where they mix custom colors and can vary the amount of pearl, gloss, metaflake, even the size of the metaflake.I’m sure you already know this
The paint jobs are awesome! Your son must have a blast doing that. :)
Most paint shops won’t spend the time. Their pretty lacquerdaiscal about it.
@elbanditoroso -I know! They give small-timers like me the brush off. They’re a real paint in the ass.You started it XD
Try My Perfect Color. They have 200,000 colors available.
@Tropical_Willie – I’m looking around there now and I can get the car color through them easily….but do they sell BBQ forks??
Thanks again! :)
Oh I have and in for Mesquite handle BBQ implements !!
@lucillex3 I found you a new brush.
Kelly Moore will color match anything, even fabrics.
@chyna -Ha ha! I am debating whether or not to show my hub that.:)
@filmfann- I just checked that out. Is she related to Benjamin Moore??I saw enamels on there but not lacquers.
I love being able to do that in larger sizes of paint.
My bathroom is painted in my husband’s eye color. :)
@lucillelucillelucille It occurs to me that the exact color you are looking for might not exist. It could be a pigment of your imagination.
If a business treated me like that, I would be fumin’!
@elbanditoroso -I value your opinion and want to know how hue know that.
@Patty_Melt – I am glad you cut in and I couldn’t agree more!
They have a machine at Wal-Mart. Just take your sample in.
@dutchess- They don’t sell the type of paint I need for custom work.
Our local Lowe’s will match any sample you take in to them. My neighbor took in her favorite blouse & they matched it perfectly. Don’t know IF they offer this service nationwide or not, but it won’t cost anything to ask!!!
@LadyMarissa -They don’t sell the type of paint I need for custom work.
Where do you get the paint you use? You could just get the numbers you need from Lowe’s or Walmart and give those numbers to your paint store.
@Dutchess_lll She wants Acrylic Enamel. Lowe’s and HD mix up latex for walls.
I get that. But I’m saying she could get the numbers of the color she wants by taking what she wants to Lowe’s and get the numbers, then take those numbers to the store she buys the enamel paint from.
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