Social Question

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Do you get what you pay for?

Asked by lucillelucillelucille (34325points) June 26th, 2020

I was reading about restorations
over coffee this morning.
I am not sure why I am surprised that this happened. :(

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8 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

So this is basically the kind of thing that happens when we overlook qualifications and talent for political reasons. This is also the kind of thing that happens when we look too closely at the bottom line and go to the lowest bidder by default. This is also the kind of thing that happens when we don’t do our homework with the facts and take things on word alone. This is also the kind of thing that happens when there is no pride in our work. This is also the kind of thing that happens when everyone gets a gold star and are not taught the value of self discovery through failure. I can go on… This is a direct reflection of our times.

ucme's avatar

My word :D
I can see now why she was a virgin!

JLeslie's avatar

Can that story be real? I mean usually people who restore paintings are very well vetted.

I basically agree with @ARE_you_kidding_me. I will add that crappy quality is sometimes very deliberate. manufacturers want things to wear out and break down, and the worst part is Americans easily go along with it for less expensive products, and because we like to throw things out and buy something shiny and new. It’s not good. Not good for the environment, and not good that society shows less and less respect for quality that stands the test of time, and even people.

jca2's avatar

She did this a few years ago and she’s currently 81. I’d say if I wouldn’t go to a surgeon who is in his or her mid-70’s, then a person who is that age wouldn’t qualify to restore a famous painting.

hmmmmmm's avatar

Looks so much like that amazing Ecce Homo attempt from 2012. I still think about that and laugh. So good.

I didn’t see this question taking a political turn, however. Something about old ladies getting gold stars? Good stuff.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@JLeslie I agree, we waste so many resources on constructing things made to fail. It’s amazing how tough things were a hundred years ago. We could do even better now and build things that need only be purchased once in a generation but we don’t.
I foresee a resurgence of hand crafted items like furniture in the not too distant future. I just know too many people taking up this sort of thing as a hobby and yet they are able to sell the items almost instantly.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Wonder if they got high from working on the lead paint too long.
Otherwise would come to the conclusion that it was done deliberately.
Erasing history?

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