Anyone else think society is about to collapse right as it's about to break through to greatness. Will we make it?
We are all seeing technology begin to spread its wings and do things we could not even imagine just ten years ago. Yet, the environment and economies are collapsing, crime rates and drug addiction are soaring. People are increasingly unhealthy but at the same time, medical breakthroughs keep coming. Where do you think we will be in 50 years?
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20 Answers
Don’t know about you, but there’s a good chance I’ll be dead of old age!!!
I can only say I sure HOPE we make it. I’m just starting out and I would like to have a full and long future ahead of me. The political stuff is very troubling to me and violence against women and minorities is way out of hand. I am worried but hopeful.
I think the “ULTRA RIGHT” is about to collapse !
We won’t make it. Too little, too late.
What a great question! We see great things happening… and yet.
How about 50/50?
The Lady M please don’t talk like that. With you our odds only get better.
I’m not so worried about “society”, but I am very worried about environmental catastrophes, and the lack of human action to avoid them. I think humans are very likely in for a very bad time, probably in the next 50 years, because of their short-sighted greed-and-power-oriented thinking.
I think current economic systems will break down, too, and will need to be re-invented and/or revolutionized.
And there are certainly “interesting” political times ahead.
“Society” may well have its own problems coping with the problems caused by all of the above, but it’s the least of my concerns.
Democracy is in trouble when people can’t even agree on what is true anymore or how many votes were cast at the last election. If we don’t know or can’t accept what is true then we have no chance of avoiding the dangers that the world faces. The vaccine for malaria that has just been announced didn’t come from Putin’s Russia or Kim Jong-Un’s North Korea. It came from a university in a free country. To answer your question I think we have a chance of making it as long as our democratic institutions remain strong and prosper.
I have felt for a while that with the new technologies we could be working towards having an easier and happier life, but for some reason a lot of people don’t want it. Robots could help contribute to a 4 day work week and less hard physical labor. Instead, people want others to keep working their heads off and at the same time have more unemployment, rather than some sort of happy medium.
Drug addiction is partly a symptom of how unhappy people are. Some drug addiction is just using and easily getting addicted. Let’s go with the unhappiness in society for this paragraph. People are too stressed. Especially, in America, what the fuck?! For most people in the US life is like running on a constant treadmill, and then you get to step off for a few hours each day when you are pretty tired, to eat, brush your teeth and sleep. If you’re lucky you get some time to be with your family or pursue an interest, but part of your time at home is spent on cooking, cleaning, and doing chores.
If you are a kid, your parents are on that treadmill and so your life is not calm, and at school you have to worry about being liked and excepted and having friends and hopefully not teased or bullied.
I think people don’t feel safe enough anymore, safe in every way. The political environment adds to the feeling of not feeling safe.
Usually, I feel like society has to collapse to achieve greatness, because people have to make things hard, they can’t just go towards the better thing. A segment of the population only accepts change to move away from pain not to simply seek a better and easier life.
Out of the ashes.
They asked this question during the Industrial revolution. Additionally when motorized carriages came to drive in and around the Horse drawn carriages.
Of course we will survive.
Homo Sapiens evolve to Homo Deus.
Futurists are usually way off in terms of how quickly their envisioned future comes to pass, with reality being considerably slower to catch up to their visions.
However, sometimes reality outpaces predictions to a staggering degree.
Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho was almost 500 years too late.
Energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull make Brawndo look like toilet water. Also unexpected.
I will confess my guilty conscious here. I have created and brought to market
a video game that many tens of millions enjoy. I have sold but still labeled a
zombie maker at forums and conferences etc. by protesters.
Brawndo’s got what plants crave, it’s got electrolytes
Thanks to Trump, America’s dominance has fallen. Every other country is taking up the slack. We will become like the British – a former Empire, now a bit player. But that’s OK, we’ll survive. Why do we need to poke our noses into everyone’s business anyway.
@RocketGuy ” Why do we need to poke our noses into everyone’s business anyway.” My God, I just said this to someone today! I could ((HUG)) you :)
I don’t think we will be anywhere good. That doesn’t mean I think the “world will end”, but I think a lot of these issues are the consequences of dwindling resources and increasing population and there isn’t much that can be done about that. Things go in cycles. Many things are probably approaching the end of their cycle. I think life will go on, but I think certain aspects of modern life and society that we take for granted are not sustainable and will come to an end, and life will be very different. Technology alone can’t make the climate more hospitable, it can’t make people happier and more well-adjusted in an increasingly anonymous, treacherous world.
On further thought… this Q seems to have two sides.
Will ‘political’ society and human bickering cause catastrophic failure of the
human condition? Is it inevitable?
The flip side…
Will technology save us? Probably not. Can common cause save us?
ie using tech to repel meteor or alien attack.
Bottom line… Society is screwed!!!
America is going to remain a world power indefinitely because of its geography. There is not another nation on earth as well positioned as the united states in that respect.
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