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LostInParadise's avatar

Are there any songs centered on Wednesday or Thursday?

Asked by LostInParadise (32270points) July 9th, 2023

There are songs for every other day of the week. The one I have in mind for Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, is not specifically about the day Tuesday, but for the purposes of this question, it counts.

I could imagine a song for Wednesday, emphasizing its description of being “hump day”, although the name “Wednesday” doesn’t seem very melodious. Thursday might be a bit more difficult.

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

“Just another manic Thursday” doesn’t have the right ring!

janbb's avatar

Tthere is this song by the Fugs that mentions them along with the other days of the week. And has them in Yiddish too:

zenvelo's avatar

She’s Leaving Home starts as “Wednesday Morning at five o’clock…”

and Simon and Garfunkel sang about Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

LostInParadise's avatar

@janbb, I can think of other songs that mention all the days of the week, like the theme song from the television show Happy Days and the song Never on a Sunday

@zenvelo, I will give you the first one, even though Wednesday is just mentioned once, but I am not so sure about the second one, since Wednesday does not appear in the lyrics of the Simon and Garfunkel song.

chyna's avatar

Nothing here to fear
I’m just sitting around being foolish when there is work to be done
Just a hang-up call
And the quiet breathing of our Persian we call Cajun on a Wednesday
So we go from year to year with secrets we’ve been keeping
Though you say you’re not a Templar man
Seems as if we’re circling for very different reasons
But one day the Eagle has to land
Out past the fountain, a left by the station
I start the day in the usual way
Then think, well, why not, and stop for a coffee
And begin to recall things that you say
No one’s at the door
You suggest a ghost, perhaps a phantom, I agree with this in part
Something is with us
I can’t put my finger on, is Thumbelina size ten on a Wednesday
So we go from year to year with secrets we’ve been keeping
Though you say you’re not a Templar man
You tell me to cheer up, you suspect we’re oddly even
Even still the Eagle has to land
Out past the fountain, a left by the station
I start the day in the usual way
Then think, well, why not, and stop for a coffee
And begin to recall things that you say
Pluck up the courage and snap it’s gone again
I start humming when doves cry
Can someone help me, I think that I’l Lost here
Lost in a place called America
Tori Amos Wednesday

janbb's avatar

@LostInParadise Yeah, you’re right.

flutherother's avatar

“Sweet Thursday” by Johnny Mathis

JLeslie's avatar

Didn’t Johnny Cash do a song about a Wednesday Car?

It is hard to think of Wednesday and Thursday songs. I can think of Monday and Saturday songs.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Wednesday Morning by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
It’s Already Wednesday by Freya
Wednesday’s Child by Emiliana Torrini
Ash Wednesday Blues by Anders Osborne
A Wednesday Car by Johnny Cash
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting by Charles Mingus (Bluesie Jazz ditty)
Wednesday Lover by Jagged Edge
Wednesday Week by Elvis Costello
Thursday by Jim Croce on the album I Got A Name
Thursday’s Child by David Bowie on the album Hours
(Thursday) Here’s Why I Did Not Go to Work Today by Harry Nilsson on the album The Point
Jersey Thursday by Donovan from the album Fairytale
Sweet Thursday by Johnny Mathis on the album Newest Hits

LostInParadise's avatar

Thanks. That is a lot more than I had imagined there might be.

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