Social Question

jca2's avatar

As you've gotten older, do you think you've become more or less introverted or extroverted?

Asked by jca2 (17088points) August 27th, 2023

As you’ve gotten older (aged, matured) do you think you’ve become more introverted? Less introverted? More extroverted? Less extroverted?

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25 Answers

snowberry's avatar

A combination. I was injured 10 years ago and became a shut-in, but I am healing, so it will change again.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

More introverted but I have always not been that fond of people.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m not sure if I’m less extroverted, but for sure I enjoy and appreciate time alone much much more as I age.

One example: when I was a young adult I couldn’t fathom living alone, it was extremely unappealing to me. Now, I’m fine being alone for days, and actually look forward to it.

janbb's avatar

I agree completely with @JLeslie . I really treasure time alone now and am pretty happy living alone which I could not have imagined years ago.

I do still enjoy spending time with close friends but I’ve never been a party person and still am not.

Caravanfan's avatar

I’ve always been introverted. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned how to manage it and act more extroverted.

filmfann's avatar

I have always been introverted, though I am getting better at being comfortable with people who don’t know me.

Zaku's avatar

I’ve always been a bit of a mix, or something that’s not entirely captured by those words. My understanding of that has improved tremendously, and I’m much less reluctant/hesitant and more confident of my ability to say appropriate things. I’ve also improved a lot at not getting rattled by people, and my level of giving a <bleep> has steadily dropped.

Others would probably say I’ve become less introverted.

canidmajor's avatar

Much more middle ground. I have always been very gregarious, but the older I get, the less energy I have. As a result, I still love the socializing, I have just lessened the amount I do. 8 thought the pandemic isolation would be awful, but it wasn’t. Now that I am having a bout with Covid, the isolation is a bit boring, but there are so many ways to communicate now that I don’t actually miss the crowds I used to enjoy.

chyna's avatar

I am becoming more introverted. I used to have to go out in my younger years on weekends. Now I prefer being alone doing what I want when I want.

flutherother's avatar

I have become more introverted over time. I used to feel there must be something wrong with me if I wasn’t out with friends or mixing with people but now I feel most myself when I am on my own.

smudges's avatar

I’ve always been introverted, but with age have become more comfortable with it, as well as becoming more extroverted.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Extroverted with age. I decided I like (most) people.

tedibear's avatar

I have become less extroverted. I now consider myself an ambivert.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Both, I have learned to be social yet embrace the need/propensity for solitude.

cookieman's avatar

I’ve come full circle. When I was young, up thought 8–9th grade, I was terribly introverted and spent most of my time alone.

In high school I met some good friends and was very social up through college and until I was in my 30’s-40’s.

I always found it draining and difficult though. I don’t think I really enjoyed it. I did develop the ability to be a performative extrovert, if you will. I do this in the classroom.

Now though, in my 50’s, I’m embracing being an introvert again. With the exception of a very small group of people, I’d much rather be alone.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve always been introverted. As I’ve aged I’ve learned that it’s nothing to be ashamed of and I’m comfortable embracing it now. I’ve learned how to say no to activities I don’t want to do, even if it involves family members. I need my alone, quiet time.

smudges's avatar

Introverted is an interesting word. I looked it up and it doesn’t really have much to do with a preference for being alone, although that could be a result I suppose.

“Introversion: predominantly focused on internal thoughts and feelings rather than on external things or social interaction.”

That definition fits me to a T. I’ve always been popular and had a number of friends, but my focus has always been my emotions, thoughts and experiences, so I’ve been labeled an introvert. Even with friends, I’d prefer my company to other people’s. It’s just easier than having to be “on”. But I do quite well socially…maybe as a result of having a university dean as a father and a mother who had to host parties and my sister and I were the perfect little children serving hors d’oeuvres.

I think the internal focus is also why I get lost so easily. One time several years ago I had to pull into a parking lot and literally figure out, not only what street I was on and where I was going, but what city I was in and even what state. (I’ve lived in a lot of states!)

My sister, on the other hand, is definitely an extrovert. Once we were driving home from our brother’s cremation service. I was crying and talking to her about how he’d never enjoy his favorite meal again, etc., when suddenly she interrupts, points to a billboard, and says, “That’s the font I want on my whatever.” I couldn’t believe her! That’s the moment I realized just how different we were and knew that our minds would never be able to meet. But we manage to get along, mostly.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have never felt comfortable around most other people, and 8 decades has not changed that.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’ve grown more likely not to care what other people think.

gondwanalon's avatar

About the same. I’ve always have been introverted, with a nervous personality. My doctors have labeled me as having an “anxiety problem” and have prescribed “Lorazepam” (that I refuse to take). I do OK around groups of people but it wears me out for sure. HA!

Forever_Free's avatar

redundantly speaking, I have become more extroverted and less introverted.

tinyfaery's avatar

More and more introverted. I’m basically a hermit at this point.

rockfan's avatar

More extroverted. I’m a freelance artist, and I’ve noticed lately that I prefer working in public at busy coffee houses, than working at a confined art studio

Entropy's avatar

I guess more in some ways and less in others. As everyone at my age is busy with kids, interactions naturally become more about people being with the parents of the kids your kids are friendly with…more so than your own friends who themselves are drawn into that bubble. And covid particularly shattered my connections to some friends because it interrupted our regular events…and then other things took those timeslots, and I can’t get them back.

smudges's avatar

^^ That’s sad. Maybe you can get those events back at some point in the future. Give it a go anyway. :)

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