I’m rather disappointed, that some reading my words are not understanding them, and that they are erroneously assuming that because I wish to see a month-long experiment conducted, that I am somehow expressing some kind of “preference” for a moderator-free environment. Such is not (and never was) the case. If this website was free of all moderators, I would not remain a part of it. So, if they go, so do I.
Now, if this website were all mine (and Praise Gawd that it is not!), then probably the only permanent change I’d seriously implement, would be eliminating the following reasons to delete a question or answer:
Tragically misspelled
Totally open-ended or poorly thought out
Vague, confusing, or generally non-sensical
Off-topic chatter or an inside joke
Excessive txtspeak (“ZOMG r u 4 real?!?!?!!? LOL”)
The reason those would be eliminated as causes for deletion, is because had websites like this one existed 60–70-80 years ago, the addlepated remarks of both Albert Einstein and Thomas Alva Edison would be disallowed, because so much of what they wrote, particularly while in school, was “Vague, confusing, or generally non-sensical.”
I’d allow deviations from the topic, if it resulted in less questions being created, and stifling inside jokes is just another way of censoring someone’s free speech.
Lastly, who cares if something is written in txtspeak or Pidgin English?
I would also consider adding a rule that states, “If your question does not get any answer posted within 10 days, it is deleted.” The reason for that, would just be to eliminate “excess clutter,” and the asker could re-post the question, of course.
So as you can now see, I’m a NOT in favor of the elimination of moderators; I’m just in favor (slightly) of reducing their workload.
If that makes me a “bad guy,” then pour me some Hemlock, and like Socrates, I’ll drink it right in front of you.