General Question

Bluefreedom's avatar

When it comes to the media, what is your preferred method to receive information and news?

Asked by Bluefreedom (22947points) November 3rd, 2008

Are you preferential to printed media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) or are you more geared toward getting your input from television or radio or maybe even the internet?

I like to watch the local news on television and sometimes I will visit the internet and look there. I prefer not to hear the news from the likes of FOX News or CNN (Communist News Network). My wife likes to visit the BBC online and listen to NPR whenever she has a chance.

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20 Answers

lapilofu's avatar

I like Google News and word of mouth.

bodyhead's avatar

I also like someone to tell me the news. Then anything I’m interested in, I can fact check on the Internet later. I’ll also scan articles on Fark because of the witty way they state their headlines.

Also, anytime someone argues with me, I research the topic (on the net again) so I can be more prepared the next time.

asmonet's avatar

I read The Washington Post every day, other than that, the internet.

BBC is god.

bodyhead's avatar

I also listen to Howard Stern religiously. I know it’s not popular (really just to admit you listen to it – he gets more listeners then the Late show gets viewers) but he dedicates at least an hour of his show every day to news (that Robin picks out) and they talk more about current events then you’d expect.

Most people think it’s crazy left wing bull coupled with farting and strippers. Yea, they can be pretty crude but there’s only a gross bit every week or couple of weeks. Howard is a conservative himself and would have voted for McCain if he had picked a different running mate (as Howard’s said several times). He considers the democratic choice the lesser of two evils at this point.

wilhel1812's avatar

RSS feeds. i read digg and various blogs and google news searches for ttuf that ‘im interrested in. also i read some norwegian newspapers. All of this delivered straight to my iGoogle page using the new Google Reader gadget :)
am i the only one that likes the new iGoogle?

EmpressPixie's avatar

I get my news from the Internet and my iPhone.

It usually gets re-reported a few days later on CNN or whatever news on TV I happen to catch or when I read the Red Eye (free paper), at which point I ask myself why I bother watching that news or reading it when I know I’m already going to have seen it.

But I still do it.

janbb's avatar

NPR. NY Times (print and online), CNN online.

Never watch it on television except for on September 11.

scubydoo's avatar

Internet…. hopefully big media doesn’t get to ever control it.

tonedef's avatar

I love Google Reader’s interface. I see it as me building my own newspaper from lists of feeds that I feel are pertinent to my life. It even has the daily comics! And they’re in color every day!

syz's avatar

I get my news from The Daily Show (and NPR).

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

RSS feeds, C-Span, BBC. Maybe CNN. I like to be able to google the news. TV coverage is too distilled and slanted. But I do listen to both sides, because the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

cookieman's avatar

Radio: NPR (WBUR Boston)
iPhone: The Associated Press’ Mobile News Reader
Print: Never
TV: Never

Zuma's avatar

Newspapers found in laundromats; conversations overheard on the bus; commedians; and the arguments of those opposed on ballot summaries.

augustlan's avatar

I used to read two newspapers every day, but as life got busier (3 kids in 4 years will do that to you), I just couldn’t keep up that way anymore. Now it’s almost exclusively online sources, with the occasional Sunday Washington Post thrown in for a deeper look at the issues.

Vincentt's avatar

RSS feeds, free newspapers to have something to read in the train, but I’m very critical toward this one because I find it to be too biased (though probably not so much by US standards).

hollywoodduck's avatar

Local Print Newspapers for my local info and online for pretty much every thing else.

natepilling's avatar

Strangely enough, lately my preferred method has been through Twitter. Often when a big news story is breaking, I’ll head over to Twitter Search and watch all the updates coming in. To me, it’s the best way to see individual reports coming in instead of having it filtered through a large media organization.

For instance, during the Mumbai attacks, I would just open up Twitter Search and watch all the replies coming in about what was going on. Same during election season and on debate nights. It seems to be the best way to really get what you’re looking for.

hammernail's avatar

New York Times.
Great articles, covers a lot of different topics.
Oh, and WWD, of course.

Adagio's avatar

Radio New Zealand National public radio; thorough coverage
New Zealand Herald online version

Rude_Bear's avatar

I believe what my rice crispies tell me.

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