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serenityNOW's avatar

Can Someone Help Me With The Experience Shaving their Chest?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) January 3rd, 2009

Well, I shaved my chest the other day and I really like the look. I guess as far as body enhancements, it’s not quite up there with botox injections, although there are definitely some guys who aren’t into it; I was one of them. But all that aside, this is my pressing issue. It hurts. There are bumps everywhere and they are very sensitive to the touch. I didn’t use any after-shave and I used the 4-blade Gillete Fusion razor, if that helps. So men (and especially hairy women, I suppose), can you help me out. I do like the look a lot. Thanks!

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21 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

Can’t help you, sorry. I don’t have an issue with natural bodies.

asmonet's avatar

Did you use shaving cream?
There are a number of products to reduce irritation from shaving, you might want to take a trip to the drugstore and try out a few until you find something that works.

andrew's avatar

That’s a real commitment, let me tell you… because if there’s anything that’s perceived as way worse than chest hair, it’s chest hair stubble. scratch scratch scratch

laureth's avatar

That’s shaving for ya. Bumps and pain. Also ingrown hairs.

It helps to have softened the hair up first, like in the tub (as I learned when learning to shave my legs) or in the shower for your chest, I suppose. The softened-up hair is easier to shave, and like Asmonet suggests, using some kind of lubricant (like shaving cream or gel) helps things go more smoothly too. Don’t ever dry-shave – you live to regret that.

But yeah. Beauty hurts. If you don’t like how it goes when shaving your chest, I would also suggest refraining from shaving any other sensitive areas, too.

russellsouza's avatar

Shave after a bath or shower, or try waxing (prepare yourself, it hurts) or laser hair removal. It’s expensive but it prevents regrowth for much longer than shaving. There’s also electrolysis if you want truly permanent removal, but if it hurts you to shave then it’s definitely not right for you.

syz's avatar

If you’re gonna go smooth, waxing is probably the way to go.

AllyMay's avatar

WAXING!! yes it hurts – but only for the first couple trips, but then nothing. I get my legs done ALL the time, and its easy peasy – no red ouchy bumps, no ingrown hairs, last much much longer AND when it grows back in its like baby hairs (much softer and less itchy). Your chest would take like 10 min to do and wouldnt cost much (no more then a big pack of them super duper gillete razors every month)

scamp's avatar

I was going to suggest Nair for men. This guy has a few things to say about it tho.

derekpcollins's avatar

I also shave my chest and I’ve found that your skin needs some time to get used to it. Sometimes my skin gets irritated and sometimes it doesn’t. Often times my skin will get irritated right after I shave, but usually its fine within a day or two. If it doesn’t seem like its getting better I’ll let the hair grow out for a while (maybe to 1/8” or 1/4”) before shaving again. I would definitely suggest shaving in the shower (not right away, let the hot water and steam soften your hair) and using shaving cream just like you would on your face or neck.

Like you, I use a Fusion razor, but I’ve recently been trying out the Phillips Bodygroom.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I would definately try waxing. Go to a beauty supply house & get a hot wax machine & some linen strips. Don’t do the microwave version. If you want to try it, PM me & I’ll
tell you more about it. It’s not as bad as it sounds.

derekpcollins's avatar

@Dave: Good for you! You can choose a cookie from the cookie jar!

PupnTaco's avatar

Oatmeal raisin, please.

derekpcollins's avatar

@Dave: You got it!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’ve shaved my chest a few times. It itches for a day or two, but I agree with derekcollins, he seems to be on top of the situation. Waxing should be something you do to your car, not your chest.

Vinifera7's avatar

I might trim from time to time, but I will never shave certain areas ever again.

derekpcollins's avatar

@Vinifera7: Sounds like you had a bad experience?

Vinifera7's avatar

It’s itchy, mainly. And having hair helps to wick away sweat.

Itchy swamp = NG.

derekpcollins's avatar

@Vinifera7: Itchy swamp, haha! I’ll admit that at times shaving can be itchy, but I still prefer it.

erincollins's avatar

@derekpcollins I’m sure your wife loves your shaven body hehe!

Strauss's avatar

If you get the bumps from ingrown whiskers hairs, you might want to try a shaving powder.

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