General Question

probably's avatar

How much should I pay my sister for staying at my house?

Asked by probably (7points) September 17th, 2007

I will be out of town for several weeks. My 20-year-old sister is going to stay at my house during this time. (Currently she lives with our parents). The main reason she is staying at my house is take care of my two cats. She’ll also bring in the mail. In the unlikely event it snows, she might have to shovel.

My house is about 7 miles away from my parent’s house and farther away from her work. She gets free food and lodging with my parent’s.

My house is really nice and my sister looking forward to staying there. I’m wondering, how much should I pay her per week? I plan to stock up the place with groceries before leaving.

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3 Answers

kevbo's avatar

My experience through part of my 20s was similar. Usually, I did it for minimal pay so long as there was food. Cats aren’t much work, and I’m sure she’ll appreciate the privacy more than anything. Plus, she probably can go home to eat if the pantry runs low. If you’re going to pay, I’d say $50—$75/ week should be sufficient, especially if there are other perks (cable, internet, etc.) I used to do it for $7–10/day. You can also supplement with a gift from wherever you’re traveling to. Definitely leave her the vet info & make sure she has the means to pay should an emergency arise.

jca's avatar

i would give her $100 and bring her a nice gift/souvenir.

gailcalled's avatar

Will she vac, dust, mop and keep things tidy? If so, that is certainly worth a stipend.. Have you asked her? That is sometimes a good way of gathering info.

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