General Question

Dansedescygnes's avatar

Just out of curiosity, how would you describe your tolerance for alcohol?

Asked by Dansedescygnes (2881points) March 23rd, 2009

Previous question revampled.

Are you a light-weight or anything? I totally am. I’ve been made fun of before for it. “One shot and he’s drunk out of his mind” one of my friends said. That’s an exaggeration, but I do get drunk pretty easily. I’m also physically light weight (I’m pretty small), so it makes sense.

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38 Answers

Darwin's avatar

Mine used to be about average, but I really don’t drink much any more, so I don’t know what it would be like now. I seem to be able to have one or two beers or glasses of wine with little problem, but beyond that, I don’t know. But then, I am not small or lightweight, so there is plenty of me to absorb it.

gailcalled's avatar

I have always been “one drink, one drunk.” Who cares? You shouldn’t let anyone’s attempt to tease you bother you Why is it aways, generation by generation, considered cool to drink too much and to brag about it?

(And keep in mind that all questions are asked “just out of curiosity”.)

casheroo's avatar

Being a light weight is a good thing. Especially during the economical distress :)

please_not_to_ask2's avatar

Using the word “high.” but I no longer drink, so it may have gone down.

elijah's avatar

I used to have a high tolerance because I was a bartender, but since I quit my tolerance has diminished.

aprilsimnel's avatar

If I have about two drinks in about 15–20 minutes, I’m good. I won’t want any more for a few hours.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The older I’ve gotten, the less I’ve had to drink so my tolerance for alcohol is minimal at best. A drink or two with friends every now and then is totally sufficient for me.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m a light weight. If I try to drink anything other than beer, I end up puking. That’s no fun, so I stick with a couple beers.

I think my age has a lot to do with it. I’m 38, my heavy drinking days are a thing of the past.

_Liz's avatar

i’m a light-weight and i love my froo-froo drinks :)

Allie's avatar

I can hold my alcohol pretty well. I get happy when I drink – I’m a very happy drunk. I also tend to do anything someone asks me to (within reason) like dares and stuff. I’m always up for a good drunken adventure.

SeventhSense's avatar

Ditto except the bartending part.

gailcalled's avatar

Am I the only member of the collective who has never drunk the equivalent of an entire can of beer in her life?

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Allie. Remind me to hang out with you if we ever have a Fluther convention. =)

Dansedescygnes's avatar

I just realized I said “revampled” instead of “revamped”. I’m retardled…

kenmc's avatar

It was once pretty high. I remember I once drank 22 beers in one night (by far the most).

Now I have a hard time drinking 12…

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

For good or for bad, I can hold my drink(s) (and my licker). 3 Margaritas and a couple of pitchers of beer can make for a good Friday night. Then Saturday might be a bottle of wine. Sunday maybe nothing. I don’t puke. I don’t get into fights. I don’t get laid more. I just can hold my liquor.

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Oh gee, only 12!!!

jonsblond's avatar

@gailcalled I’m sure there are others. They just don’t have any interest in this thread.

kenmc's avatar

@Dansedescygnes Well, I used to be able to drink much more, but I haven’t drank much in 09, so my tolerance has gone down.

alive's avatar

just where i like it!

p.s. being a light weight is great! you get drunk and save money! both pluses!

Vinifera7's avatar

Since I haven’t imbibed excessively in two years, I’m positive that I’m a tragic light-weight. However I choose to exercise self-control and not get drunk at all.

crisw's avatar

I don’t drink at all.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I find the older I get, the more I can drink, but the less I want to. At least now I keep my clothes on

essieness's avatar

In this corner, heavyweight champ. unless I start doing shots

madcapper's avatar

I have a “ridiculous?” tolerance. I mix and match all night long and still have to drink a lot in order to cease functioning. I have only blacked out like 5 times in my life and those have ended badly haha

loser's avatar

I think I tolerate alcohol well.
It just doesn’t always tolerate me well.

May2689's avatar

My brain often thinks that I can handle many drinks… but Im tiny and skinny… therefore it takes about half of what my brain believes I can handle. Terrible tolerance!!

saranwrapper's avatar

I would describe it as slutty.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Unfortunately high.

It takes a lot for me to get shitty. The last time I did, it took two and a half Blue Moons, a cranberry-vodka, a jack and coke, a long island iced tea, a carbomb, two shots of Bailey’s and Jameson, and a black and tan. That’s one expensive evening.

JellyB's avatar

Not very well, i get tipsy real easy. A couple glasses of champaigne and i feel it already.

MadParty's avatar

normally i can handle about 7–8 beers before i really start to feel drunk

madcapper's avatar

@Blondesjon Epic… yes I like the description

Myndecho's avatar

I’m a total light weight. I really don’t understand why being a height weight has been something to be proud of, not as if I care but it’s just interesting.
Someone could eaily get me drunk if they had whiskey.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Myndecho: See that’s funny, because I just so happen to have some right here…

gailcalled's avatar

@Myndecho; By height weight (which is confusing), do you mean heavy-weight?

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