General Question

quarkquarkquark's avatar

What is the best place to buy nice, cheap clothes in Los Angeles?

Asked by quarkquarkquark (1695points) July 3rd, 2009

I can never find t-shirts that fit nicely… where shall I go?

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6 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

You want cheap and good fit? That might be asking a tad too much. I buy all my clothes at the Charity Thrift stores, such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, Purple Heart and Deseret.

tinyfaery's avatar

Buffalo Exchange is a kind of trendy, more upscale second hand store. There are a few in the L.A. area.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@tinyfaery You’re dead on there.
There’s some great 2nd hand stores where I live.
Not only do you get some great duds and great deals, but you get clothes with that über-coveted retro appeal.
Since fashion repeats itself every 20–25 years, it’s a good way to stay current while saving some cash.

andrew's avatar

Aardvark as well. Is American Apparel in your price range?

alive's avatar

the fashion district. you just have to find the right place…

gregc's avatar

nordstrom rack, which is nordstrom’s outlet version, has very good prices on a lot of nice clothes and clothing brands. great for dress shirts, suits, that sort of thing.

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