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simone54's avatar

Do you really get a last meal before you are put to death?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) July 25th, 2009

According to movies and television, before you are put to death you get a last meal and it’s can be ANYTHING you want. I don’t think this could really be true.

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15 Answers

applesaucemanny's avatar

yup, I just did some googling and according to various sources they do get to choose a last meal

sandystrachan's avatar

Is it not something to do with , being of full stomach before death makes you not be hungry during death ..

Or something along those lines .

jrpowell's avatar

Texas used to post a list on their website.

simone54's avatar

@johnpowell Hahah I was reading that list and kinda wished I was one death row. Just a little bit.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Straight out of Wikipedia:

The last meal is a customary part of a condemned prisoner’s last day. The day before the appointed time of execution, the prisoner receives the meal, as well as religious rites, if they desire. As a general rule, inmates may not ask for an alcoholic drink, as it dulls the senses.

In many countries the prisoner may select what the last meal will be (within reason), and the authorities do their best to satisfy the request.

In the United States of America most states give the meal a day or two prior to execution, and use the euphemism “special meal”. Alcohol or tobacco is usually denied. An unorthodox or unavailable request will be replaced with a substitute. Some states place tight restrictions. For example, Texas limits last meals to food available within the prison system, though occasionally permitting food “from the free world”. In Florida, the food for the last meal must be purchased locally and the cost is limited to $40. Maryland does not offer the condemned a special last meal.

Dog's avatar

Not allowing Sapporo with my Sushi would be cruel and unusual punishment.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I find it really interesting that inmate choices from johnpowell‘s link vary from extremely scarce (nothing, or something like just coffee or just cherries and Cool Whip) to the extremely fattening bingey-type meals (multiple burgers, hot dogs, fries, sodas, ice cream, etc.).

MissAnthrope's avatar

Best request on that list:

209 | Offender Information | Barnes, Jr. | Odell | 998 | 03/01/2000 | Justice, Equality, World Peace

Mamradpivo's avatar

Yes, one really does get a last meal. It’s the state’s way of assuaging a little of their guilt for putting someone to death years (decades even) after being locked away. A little steak can go a long way towards putting society’s conscience at ease over the fact that we’re killing someone who we’ve accused of killing someone else.

ratboy's avatar

Everyone has a last meal; it’s just that most don’t recognize it as such when they eat it.

simone54's avatar

I’d ask for a cake with a gun in it.

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

I would request an Everlasting-Goobstopper.

wildpotato's avatar

Think of the pressure being the cook for these guys’ last meals. I’d feel so bad if I overcooked a burger or let the bacon burn. I wonder why someone wouldn’t request a last meal.

simone54's avatar

haha I did bit about that already.

Hatsumiko's avatar

Think about that for a second: a last meal.

The last thing you will ever taste, consume, and digest. Ever. IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE.

It’s a bit scary. Sometimes it’s better not knowing things in advance.

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