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evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

How do you think the world would be if WW1 and WW2 had never happened?

Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra (12923points) August 5th, 2009

Obviously, WW2 was a direct result of WW1, so without the first one, there is no reason for the second one. So if there was no WW1, and ultimately, no reason for Hitler to strive for power and vengeance at the rest of the world, I am of the mind that Hitler would have gone on to become a third rate painter or perhaps a second rate architect, and lost in obscurity as a small footnote in history.

So what do you think the world would be like had those wars never happened? What would America, and the rest of Europe look like today? More advanced socially or technologically, or less? Would there be an Israel/Palestinian conflict? What are your thoughts on this “What if?” scenario?

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I think there are a lot of possible alternative paths and we can’t imagine all of the variables.

Allie's avatar

People always find reasons to fight. Maybe there would have been a war over something else. Who knows.

dpworkin's avatar

You can always pick a certain point in history, and wonder…

Let me give you an example. Do you know the Chanukah story? Judah and the Macabees overcome the Hasmonean enemy, and there is a miracle in the Temple?

The Hasmonean Jews were quite Hellenized. If they had won, instead of the Conservative forces, there may never have been a Roman need to put down Jewish restlessness, and Christ may not have been crucified. No crucifixion, no Christianity, no Constantinian changes to the Roman political structure, no cathedrals, no Papal Empire, eventually no Holocaust.

Pick another crisis, and we can do the same thing. Unfortunately or fortunately, we have what we have, and so far we can’t change the past.

RareDenver's avatar

If the war between the axis powers and the allies had never happened and the axis powers had maybe aligned themselves closer with the rest of western Europe I’m sure that reason would have been found to have a big bloody fight with the Russians.

I have no idea basically. I’m sure that war generally speeds up technological developments in many areas though.

drdoombot's avatar

There are a great many things that probably would have been different. Just to name a few scenarios:

-The 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust would have gone to have children, creating a larger population of Jews in modern times
-The Israeli Palestinian conflict never happens because the population of Jews in Israel never exceeds a couple hundred thousand. The largest Jewish populations remain in Europe, Russia and America
-The Soviet Union isn’t a world power because the war with the Nazis was a major part of Russia’s expansion of territories and power
-With no Soviet Union, the Cold War doesn’t happen, which means the US never went to Korea or Vietnam. Also, because of no space race, the US never lands on the moon
-The US is not the biggest player on the international field. Without a war devastating its lands and people, European powers like France and especially Britain remain as the major players in the world
-The US grew powerful because of the war (creating jobs and factories, etc). No war means the US might have suffered through its Great Depression even longer
-The Modernist and Post-Modernist movements in art never happen
-A weaker Soviet Union doesn’t support other Communist uprisings, so China and Cuba never become communist nations
-The civil rights movement in the US would probably have occurred a couple of decades later
-In a general sense, many technologies and advances in the fields of energy, transportation, medicine and others either never happen or happen much later

And there are many, many more things that could have turned out differently. Sometimes it’s hard to admit, but war has its positive effects as well.

lercio's avatar

Another interesting factor is the 1917 Russian revolution. Would that have happened if the rest of Europe had been at war, the Tsar was a close relative of the heads of state of Britain and Germany. So as well as 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians might have been saved from Stalin’s purges.

And what about Ireland, would the free state have happened if Britain had been otherwise occupied.

Emancipation of women in Britain would not have been pushed forward as it was in both world wars. Would the tail end of British Empire have lasted a bit longer without the loss of so many young men.

bannedfortalking's avatar

alot of people would be alive

dpworkin's avatar

As opposed to the underpopulated state the world is in now?

Jack79's avatar

Not sure what others answered, but wars often work like the whistle on a steam engine. There was always going to be a WW1, no matter what. The start of the war was just a lame excuse, but the real geopolitcal reasons were always there. Sure, the war could have been delayed until 1919, or maybe sparked off in 1908, but there was bound to be one at the beginning of the last century.

Without it, perhaps Russia would never have converted to Communism, perhaps Hitler would have been a famous Austrian artist, while Germany would have struggled with things like unemployment. Or pehaps they’d be so rich (without the cost of WW1) that they’d attack and conquer everybody by 1924. We’ll never know.

mattbrowne's avatar

Nazism might look like a good idea to 43% of the people during a crisis situation.

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