General Question

sigmatheta's avatar

What's the best way to get sleep on a long haul flight?

Asked by sigmatheta (4points) August 6th, 2009

I’m flying to Australia (coach class) from London, via Seoul in a fortnight. I’m looking for hints on how to get some sleep while on the long flights over.

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6 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I like Melatonin, music, and one of these wrap around the neck pillows.

Lovey_Howell's avatar

Benedryl makes you drowsy as well.

trailsillustrated's avatar

grab some pillows and blanket when you board. take off your shoes and tuck your feet into the pocket there on the seat in front of you. sit by the window so you can scrunch into the corner there. call your dr. and tell him your going on the long long trip, and get an rx for the real low dose ativan. when you get there, get right into the local time, even if your’e really tired. I fly to australia all the time coach class and I find this stuff helps.

marinelife's avatar

Avoid caffeine or alcohol on the flight if you plan to sleep.

Either grab a blanket and pillow as you board or bring your own.

mattbrowne's avatar

Don’t get mad when you can’t fall asleep. And stop the effort for a while. Do something else like reading or listening to music. Try again an hour later. I use ear plugs and eye patches and only 1 glass of wine. More than 1 glass has the opposite effect on me making me stay awake.

Zendo's avatar

Smoke a big fattie before boarding. Onboard, drink a few cocktails.

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