General Question

mineown's avatar

How can I raise money?

Asked by mineown (438points) November 4th, 2009

I am a college student and I am pledging a fraternity. There are four people in my pledge class and we need to raise 100 dollars each, 400 total, to donate to a charity. How can I raise this money?

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25 Answers

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Have the fraternity equivalent of a bake sale? (which may actually involve good ol’ baking.)

YARNLADY's avatar

Just ask everybody you know. You might also try organizing a fun run or some such activity. For fundraising activities see these articles, maybe something there will help.

Samurai's avatar

How fast do you need the money? I would recommend selling mistletoe around Christmas.

poisonedantidote's avatar

sell kisses or hugs? or offer to do some task for a small fee. perhaps you could wait outside of shops and offer to carry the shopping to peoples cars for a donation.

i would look up what the law in your area is though. here in spain you will be fined a massive amount of cash and probably even jailed if you so much as collect a single penny without an official charity number and badge.

Likeradar's avatar

How much time do you have on your hands?
Shovel sidewalks, rake leaves, walk dogs, get some info on the charity and ask people to donate, sell stuff on ebay, organize a race or walk or some sort of show, bake sale (as @Beta_Orionis suggested)… there are a zillion ways.

trailsillustrated's avatar

it’s not that much to raise try selling plasma

YARNLADY's avatar

@Samurai—good idea, if he needs the money faster, he can even sell mistletoe “futures” or “coupons” to be delivered at a later date.

mineown's avatar

I need the money before thanksgiving because they want to make us brothers before we go home for thanksgiving. Anything involving christmas wont help too much sorry, it is also a Jewish Fraternity. lol. But I appreciate any help I can get.

grntwlkr's avatar

you could sell your sperm or blood.

Samurai's avatar

@grntwlkr You can sell sperm? I had no idea.

Likeradar's avatar

@mineown Channukah candles or homemade matzoa ball soup? I’m serious. Candles can be hard to find if you don’t live in a city with a large Jewish population, and what Jewish college kid wouldn’t appreciate some home-made matzoa ball soup during a holiday away from home?

Beta_Orionis's avatar

If you’re experiencing cold weather, sell something warm, like hot chocolate, coffee, or tea.

grntwlkr's avatar

sure, women can sell their eggs too, but it is much more painful, but you get a lot of money for it.

mineown's avatar

actually the selling of hot drinks might be a good idea. I’ll talk it over with the brothers. Thanks. And I’m still open to more ideas. Also yes you can sell sperm. Ever heard of a Sperm Bank?

Samurai's avatar

@mineown I guess I heard about it, just never realized what it ment.

mineown's avatar

haha. yeah. theres some crazy things you can do.

LuhvKiller's avatar

Things we did at work was Fish fry, chicken tender plates, bake sale, raffle tickets, or just ask for donations. Those usually work fast. You could do road blocks depending on where you live. Thats a very good one.

Likeradar's avatar

@LuhvKiller what are road blocks?

LuhvKiller's avatar

@Likeradar its when you get on a busy 4way street and you have a Big sign and you have 2 people at each road and as people stop they give you money. you should use buckets with tops and cut a slit to drop the money in to keep it safe

LuhvKiller's avatar

An Idea for a raffle would be something for a christmas gift. You all could pitch in and buy something nice or Make up a big basket and raffle it for $5 or $10. you could make alot fast that way.

mineown's avatar

We actually thought of that, but the event where we were gonna do it isnt close enough…unfortunately.

LuhvKiller's avatar

@mineown you talkin about the road block? if so you dont have to do it in the town. We did one for our church a long time ago and we went to all the towns that the church members lived. So it was nice. So do it on campus first, post flyers, if you use facebook post it there and do one in town! It’ll work trust me

mineown's avatar

i meant the raffle. sorry

avvooooooo's avatar

Bet people money you won’t do something, then go do it.

In the grand tradition of fraternities… LOL!

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