Meta Question

jrpowell's avatar

Since we are asked if our question is a "question" or a "discussion" should we be able to view them in those categories?

Asked by jrpowell (40562points) November 14th, 2009

They have the info. I’m more interested in questions and it would be nice to sort that way.

I made a quick mock-up..

Just a thought. Would other people like the option?

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19 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

That would be nice, you should run it by our fearless leader(s)...

jrpowell's avatar

I wanted other people to provide input first. If others think that it would be handy I will ask.

arnbev959's avatar

I much prefer “solve a problem” type questions, so I would love to see the discussion questions pushed to a different section of the site.

cheebdragon's avatar

Speaking of….Did Andrew go MIA or something? I haven’t seen him around lately…

MacBean's avatar

Ooh. I’ve been against the idea when people have suggested categories in the past, but if it’s just divided into those two and it’s done like that mock-up, that’d be really useful.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I’d like it.

augustlan's avatar

I’m pretty sure that is the intention at some point. It’s just a gradual process. :)

janbb's avatar

I don’t see it as necessary myself. Can tell from reading the question what type it is. I’m more piqued by the subject of the question than worried about what type it is. I see the division in the question wizard as more of a clarifier for the poster.

And like @cheebdragon, I, too, wonder what you have done with our Andrew – Ben and Tim?

mangeons's avatar

I think that’s a great idea, I’d love to see that happen, definitely.

Sarcasm's avatar

I never got why we have to pick between Question and Discussion, when they have absolutely no difference.

edit: @cheebdragon / @janbb: @andrew posted 19 hours ago, @ben posted 18 hours ago, and @timtrueman posted 16 hours ago. You’re both going crazy.

MacBean's avatar

@Sarcasm: A question has a correct answer. A discussion doesn’t.

breedmitch's avatar

Looks good to me. Effect immediately, please.

Sarcasm's avatar

@MacBean I know what the real difference is. But in terms of Fluther itself. The two look exactly the same, show up exactly the same…

MacBean's avatar

@Sarcasm: Ah, I see. Well, if what @augustlan said is true and the plan has always been to separate questions from discussions eventually, then I suspect the idea was to make us start picking between the two as early as possible so we’d be used to it and not be overwhelmed by a lot of changes all at once. People don’t like change that much.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d rather a decent web or iphone app. The new stuff is cool, but it can all wait.

J0E's avatar

The thought of that is scary to me because the last q&a site I belonged to did a similar thing and it led to the downfall of the site.

breedmitch's avatar

I’d like to suggest a third category titled “I’m sad and depressed and want to whine about it and have everybody here stroke my ego.”
I’m sick of these questions and would prefer if people kept their mental illness to themselves.

augustlan's avatar

@breedmitch I don’t view those questions as ego-stroking, but as someone reaching out for comfort in the only way they know how. I think we’ve helped quite a few of those folks, even if it’s only temporarily. Some comfort is better than no comfort, right? :)

breedmitch's avatar

@augustlan: I’m thinking of one user in particular who posts a depression question almost every day, it seems. I understand reaching out for help but at some point you’ve got to get professional help and I don’t think this is the forum for that.
sorry to threadjack, JP

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