General Question

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Do you fear people who can get "under your skin"?

Asked by Ghost_in_the_system (2035points) December 14th, 2009

Do you give more attention and consideration to someone who always seems to know just what to say or how to look at you to make you uncomfortable. Do you try to get them to go away as quickly as possible?

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16 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

No, I use it as a chance to work on my coping skills. I try to figure out their motives, why I’m getting upset or use my calming skills. It’s frustrating sometimes, yet I feel that it’s an important exercise for me.

smashbox's avatar

No, I don’t stay around long enough with anyone I am uncomfortable with, for them to get under my skin.:)

HighShaman's avatar

NO… I am not afraid of Anyone… What is the worst they can do ?

However; I tend to disassociate myself from people who “Get Under My Skin” .

Slick's avatar

I use too feel that way, but I don’t anymore. And I always stay away from those kind of people anyway.

gradyjones's avatar

I don’t fear them. I don’t bother with them at all. If I gave them attention or reacted to them it would probably encourage them.

Ivan's avatar

You mean vampires? Yes.

Zacky's avatar

Actually I get very angry when people get under my skin.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

People can’t get “under your skin” unless you allow them to. If I know someone like that, I just try to avoid them.

_Jade_'s avatar

No. I either avoid them, ignore them, or agree with everything they say (that usually gets under THEIR skin….snickers).

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Depends on the person. Some are grown up and they only get under your skin because they disagree with you on something and are adamant about it… others are bloomin toddlers

Blondesjon's avatar

I appreciate, and despise, anyone who can push my buttons. I try to live up to my own bullshit, so I can shrug a lot of shit off, but, every once in a while, somebody comes along that can actually piss me off.

I give them credit the entire time I am shoving pins in an effigy I have constructed of them.

SuperMouse's avatar

No one, I mean no one can get under my skin like my ex-husband. It makes me absolutely crazy and in an odd way makes me feel vulnerable. If I could avoid him I would, but since we have three kids in common that is impossible.

chyna's avatar

I avoid those people as much as possible. There is one or two people on fluther who fit that description, and I have decided to steer clear, because our personalities clash. We just don’t get each other.

thriftymaid's avatar

Fear them? No. I just avoid them.

Silhouette's avatar

I enjoy the challenge. Not many people can get under my skin, so on those rare occasions, it’s like getting a new puzzle. How does it go together? What is it about them or what is it about me, that makes my skin itch when they are around.

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