General Question

RocketSquid's avatar

How can I calm down at work?

Asked by RocketSquid (3483points) January 25th, 2010

I’m usually a pretty laid-back, easy-going guy. However, my day job is tech support.

I like the job well enough, I work with friendly, intelligent people in a nice environment, and once the first half of my shift is over, the second half usually gives me plenty of time to read, surf the internet, things like that.

The problem is that I get infuriated during a lot of my calls. I sound pleasant over the phone, but all too often I’m grinding my teeth, clenching my fist and destroying the homemade voodoo doll.

I’d like to be a bit more zen while on the phone. Any ideas on what I can do to keep myself calm while trying to talk Cletus McStupid through typing in a password?

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11 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

I would try to figure out the root of this anger. Dealing with people we see as stupid can be frustrating, it’s true. Yet, it seems this is triggering something within you and might have very little to do with them.

Perhaps try to change how you view them. Find something about each caller that you like and focus on that instead of the negative.

Stress relief balls and the like never really did a thing for me except wear my hands out.

marinelife's avatar

Take a deep breath.
Get up between calls and stretch.
Drink chamomile tea.

RocketSquid's avatar

@gemiwing I really like that idea.

b's avatar

I was in the same position you are in when I did a lot of desktop support. I decided to get into VoIP and server support, so I started studying and earning various certificates. Since then I have been promoted a couple of times. I now rarely do desktop support, and view it as a nice break from my other work.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Tai Chi trick I used to do. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Hold it until you envision all your stress as a back ball materializing in front of your eyes. As you exhale allow the ball to flow through your body and out through your feet. If you do it properly you’ll feel your entire body tingle.

This always makes me feel better.

sjmc1989's avatar

I worked in retail for a couple of years and I was the manager so every customer that had issues with anything came to me. I have gotten yelled at by so many woman it is ridiculous! What I would think of as I was getting cursed and screamed at was in a couple hours I will get to leave and go about my happy life, while these hateful people will have to live the rest of their lives knowing that they are miserable and spiteful bitches. Worked for me!

Flo_Nightengale's avatar

@RocketSquid I feel for you because I am probably one of those people. Just to let you know it is not easy for us on the other end either.
A good way to relieve the stress is do what you are doing….........complain to a fellow co worker that understands and of course visit Fluther.

HTDC's avatar

Calmly walk outside then scream at the top of your lungs. It’s good to let it out.

lloydbird's avatar

Have you tried slapping your boss?

Really effective! But a bit of a one hit wonder.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

If you figure it out, let me know because I am uber pissy right now and just want to kill everyone.

Just_Justine's avatar

Maybe change jobs, technical support is very much a people in distress kind of job.

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