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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Why am I suddenly addicted to Apium graveolens and extra crunchy Arachis hypogaea butter?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) March 10th, 2010

I’ve always liked it, but for some reason, as Spring approaches, I can’t seem to get enough of it. No I’m not pregnant! I can’t be. But currently this is all I want to eat morning, noon, and night! My local Sushi Chef thinks I’m cheating on him. Could I be sick? Vitamin deficiency? Why this? Why now?

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21 Answers

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Did you get bitten by a hippy who sucked your blood and turned you into a hippy?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

OMG That’s IT!

freakin’ free lovin free loaders… I’m doomed

lillycoyote's avatar

How the hell should I know? I don’t even know what that crap is, and I’m not going to look it up just because you have decided to use the Latin names of common agricultural plants, Mr. Fancy-Plants, with your big words. O.K., so I did look them up…

majorrich's avatar

I prefer Cream cheese, but thats just me. At least you are getting some caloric benefit.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You and your creamy casein coagulation concoction crap! I know your type… you steal away my Apium graveolens and use it for your own deviant desires. I will not have it!

majorrich's avatar

pulverized Betulaceae Corylus cornuta is also very nice, but too much clogs me up.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

oooooouuuuuu… hadn’t thought of that. You might want to stock up, cuz I that might be my next girlfriend… why not? all the others were nuts too

Haha… and this one I get to pulverize! Haha… thanks!

SeventhSense's avatar

I would trace your steps back to when you were first compelled to call peanut butter and celery by their Latin roots. You may have blown a fuse and rewired your neural pathways for food cravings inadvertently.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It seems I’ve been undone. But before you call the white coats, answer me this… Do they have Apium graveolens and extra crunchy Arachis hypogaea butter in Bellevue?

SeventhSense's avatar

I think they may have to be very careful with all those nuts around. A lot of people have nut allergies.

majorrich's avatar

I took 2 years of Latin in High School many many years ago. Thats the only way I was able to help my son through Spanish.

majorrich's avatar

Hazelnuts do rock though.

SeventhSense's avatar

Thanks. One of these days I’‘ll get a Weimeraner just like him.

majorrich's avatar

That’s Cuddles. He is sleeping right next to the laptop even as we speak. Best Lapkitteh I ever had.

majorrich's avatar

Is that you on your bike on the way for more Apium graveolens?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Haha no I just went upstairs and grabbed another stalk though… crunching now. Get peanut butter tomorrow

The image is some of my artwork.

My cat, Leica, sleeps on my feet at night. Other than that she’s a stranger refusing to be held. Cuddles looks to curious to be sleeping now. He’s gonna get big!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


Very cool pooch. Wish they could stay puppies though. How big do they get?

SeventhSense's avatar

About the size of your average bird dog
They were originally bred for boar, large game, deer and foxes.
According to the AKC standard, the male Weimaraner stands between 25 and 27 inches (63–68 cm) at the withers.

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