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gypsywench's avatar

What is your all time favorite smelling perfume?

Asked by gypsywench (1641points) August 24th, 2010

Ladies, What is your favorite scent? How does it make you feel?
Gentlemen, What kind of scents do like on a lady? Why?
My favorite perfume is ANGEL. It’s comforting for me to smell it on myself. Not sure why. Also, I feel sexy when wearing Maybe Baby by Benefit. Do you wear perfume at all? Men, do you wear cologne?

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21 Answers

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Femme au jus. The lady’s natural aroma is best IMHO.

MacBean's avatar

Dia de los Muertos ‘05 from BPAL. I have to be careful when I wear it because I can’t stop sniffing myself.

Austinlad's avatar

Almost anything, as long as it’s a subtle scent lightly applied.

ucme's avatar

Punani. An intoxicating aromatic delight with it’s origins in India I believe. Not to everyone’s taste but, each to their own say I ;¬}

LuckyGuy's avatar

Body by Victoria and a hint of Dial soap.

Break out the brie cheese.

Cruiser's avatar

For the most part perfumes can be deal breakers especially when overdone that said Obsession by Calvin Klein always caught my attention…just something really attractive about that perfume!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I still like Chanel #5

Jude's avatar

Dolce and Gabbana’s The One

That’s mainly what I wear.

Seek's avatar

Just some ylang ylang essential oil for me, maybe mixed with lemon or lemon verbena.

I think sandalwood and patchouli is an intoxicating masculine scent.

Other than that, I’m not opposed to a person’s natural scent.

Frenchfry's avatar

I support my husband cousin’s Avon business. LOL I like Odyessy, and Sweet honesty.Poor girl she is trying to make a buck. Plus I get free samples.

CMaz's avatar

Chanel for men.

Only problem, the changed the formula some years ago. It is not the same any more. :-(
Which is a bummer since I ran out.

JLeslie's avatar

@gypsywench you must try angel shower gel if you haven’t yet, you will loooove it. My husband hates Angel so that ends that. When he travelled a lot I used to use the gel when he was away.

I was a fragrance buyer for a department store for while so I had all of the fragrances. I really used to like Moschinos Cheap and Chic. I would love to pump Armani’s Aqua di Gio through my house, he used to pump a similar fragrance into his AX stores, the sent of Pantelloria, an island in the Medeteranian, but I digress, the sent doesn’t smell very god on my skin though. I still like classics like Amarige.

gailcalled's avatar

Eau de moi.

le_inferno's avatar

BLV II by Bvlgari is my favorite.

muppetish's avatar

None that I know the names of, I’m afraid. I have smelled the sillage of pleasant enough smelling perfume of girls at school, but never stopped them to ask the name of their perfumes. I inherited my mother’s sensitivity to strong smells (she gets headaches and breaks out into hives – luckily, I just get the headaches.) Nobody in my household wears scented things as a result (with the exception of very lightly scented soaps and shampoos.)

I don’t know whether he is wearing cologne or if he naturally smells of awesome, but I love the way my best friend smells. It clings to my clothing whenever I hug him and I smile like an idiot for the rest of the day because of it.

wilma's avatar

“White Shoulders”.
My mother never used cosmetics or perfume. As a child I longed for these feminine things, to play with makeup and girly stuff. My aunt wore makeup, nail polish and White Shoulders. Although I no longer very often wear perfume, it still says “woman” to me.

MissA's avatar

I love the smell of ‘clean’, I indulge in various soaps and shampoos. As far as a scent, Thymes Ltd. makes a Lavendar as well as a Eucalyptus that are wonderful. And, they have a Goldleaf Hydrangea that is out of this world…but, just a hint at the wrists and behind the knees, please.

Saun's avatar

YES! I looked at this and instantly thought “ANGEL.” It’s a wonderful scent. It’s refreshing, comforting and just.. very beautiful. Reminds me of the scent of maybe.. very very faint flowers under the moon on a clear night, when you can see all the stars.. white flowers, that have a gentle glow in the moon/starlight. .. But that’s my interperetation. Prolly doesn’t make sense.

Seek's avatar

Why do you put perfume behind your knees, seriously? I’ve heard of people doing that and it seems so… strange.

gailcalled's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr: The Chinese would tell you that there is a pulse beating there, as on the wrists, behind the ears and on the side of the neck. The beat distributes the aroma.

Using this theory, you should also dab some on your ankles

Seek's avatar

…and your armpits and the tops of your feet. Huh.

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