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keobooks's avatar

Does your week start off with Sunday or Monday?

Asked by keobooks (14322points) April 3rd, 2013

To me, the week always starts with Monday. But I was surprised there are many folk who start the week with Sunday. I was just curious as to which day is the start of your week and why?

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16 Answers

hearkat's avatar

On most calendars in the US, Sunday is listed first – I presume that’s because Christianity dominated Western culture for so many centuries. Therefore, Sunday is at the start of the week and Saturday is the last day – hence the term “week-ends”.

Mentally, my week starts on Monday, though.

Pachy's avatar

Through all the years I was working, I felt Monday was the first day of the week, Saturday and Sunday being the end of the previous week. But now that I’m retired and every day feels like a weekend, I may have to tweak my thinking about that.

JLeslie's avatar

My calendar better start on Sunday or I will read it wrong all too often.

Almost every job I have ever had the work week was Sunday to Saturday.

However, I do in my mind also think of Monday as the start of the regular work week.

bossob's avatar

Sunday is a continuation of Saturday. My week starts on Monday.

ScottyMcGeester's avatar

I always found it weird how most places seem to start the week on Sunday. But personally my week always starts on Monday.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScottyMcGeester Most places don’t. Just the USA. Well, maybe there are a few other countries, but I don’t know of any others. Maybe Canada? Not sure.

OpryLeigh's avatar

For me it starts on Monday. Sunday is usually the only day I don’t have to work so that’s my unwind day before starting again.

zenzen's avatar


Cause it’s Israel.

ucme's avatar

Monday…“I wanna shoo-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooht, the whole day down.”

Sunny2's avatar

Monday starts the week. Saturday and Sunday are family days, fun days, lazy days, go-to-church days, anything but work days. I react that way even though I’m retired and any day could be that. Somehow, chores do not get done on the weekend. It’s all in my mind, which is lazy.

dxs's avatar

Even though I am in the USA, my week tends to start on Monday. I always think of it as the start of the new routine five-day “work” week. Saturdays and Sundays are both odd days at the end of the week where something different than the normal schedule happens.

Introverted_Leo's avatar

I work retail, so my week never really starts or ends… It just IS, lol.

gondwanalon's avatar

I work in health care so I have lost all concept of the start or end of the week. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are just like other days of the week in my ever evolving work schedule with different start and end times.

girassol's avatar

Sunday. we’ve gotten free calendars from the gas company since before I was born, and they always put Sunday as the first day. (:

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