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Ayesha's avatar

What do you think this painting shows?

Asked by Ayesha (6221points) June 9th, 2014

I’m a huge fan of Jack Vettriano. I came across this painting and just wanted to see what you guys think it shows.
What does this painting say to you?
What do you think it means?

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25 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The insanity of vampirism.

majorrich's avatar

Bloody Mary’s and CPR do not Mix.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The need for really strong facial soap.

rojo's avatar

Males beware! Women will suck the life blood out of you.

before anyone gets angry, I said that is what I see, not what I believe

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

She has bitten out and probably eaten his tongue. Vettriano does some nice stuff, but this is his sick shit.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I see a snowball with an unusual choice of colors.

janbb's avatar

I see dead people.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

That not every artist can be Francis Bacon, H.R. Geiger or Robert Williams.

majorrich's avatar

Having botched the CPR of her husband by using elbow drops and biting, Phyllis wards off invisible zombies with her imaginary shotgun.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It says to me that life occasionally deals you a shit sandwich. He got all dressed up in anticipation of some time with a beautiful woman and it turned out badly. He was expecting good things and instead he got hosed.

Aster's avatar

It is definitely a vampire painting . Look at the full moon for starters.

ucme's avatar

Shakespeare’s Sister

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What the painting says to me, as you ask, not that it is what the painting actually says, is that women are bloodsucking b*****s. That she:

• Bit out his tongue and lips before she strangled him, or,
• He was poisoned and when he fell out and she tried to revive him, he threw up blood in her mouth and she is panicking to find the toilet, which she is not sure where it is because she is in his house.
• She just tried to bit out his tongue and lips after strangling him and his girlfriend just came through the door with the key she has to his place and is about to be attack.
• Women are cannibals that will eat you alive of you don’t watch out.

stanleybmanly's avatar

If this image is indeed a painting, the work is technically VERY good. Since blood is apparently issuing from the mouths of both people, my guess is that the woman has just stood erect after trying mouth to mouth resuscitation on a man hemorrhaging internally (probably in his lungs).

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@stanleybmanly You’re right, she has no vampire fangs and he isn’t bleeding from the neck. Hmmm, have to rethink this. But why are his clothes askew?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

This is a painting of a person who desperately needs to re-take the CPR course. Now the paramedics are at the door and she just realized she left her certification in her other purse.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Why is the blood coming from the mouths in copious amounts? Vampires don’t waste that much.

dxs's avatar

“That dude just punched us both in the mouth and bolted!”

majorrich's avatar

“Wait! Aren’t you staying for seconds?”

filmfann's avatar

This couple tried to do that spaghetti sucking kiss from Lady and the Tramp, but there was too much sauce, and the guy sucked so hard it choked him and he died.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Ayesha Is there a title to the painting?

majorrich's avatar

Shit! I first thought you were kidding! LoL!

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. I do not like that painting, Sam I Am.

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