Meta Question

NomoreY_A's avatar

Why do discussions get closed out for no reason?

Asked by NomoreY_A (5546points) May 16th, 2017

That has happened to me twice, and as far as I know there was nothing objectionable about the questions?

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11 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

There is always a reason, you may just not know it.

I don’t know which questions you mean, but the one I saw was just an old joke posted as a question. There are a lot of joke sites, this is a discussion site.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

There are always reasons. If you haven’t had time to yet, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Guidelines and Writing Standards in the Help section. A question can get pulled for a typo. There are many reasons, and a question won’t get pulled without the mods giving you the reason. There is also a “contact the mods” button above. (It is not on the mobile version of the site. Only the desktop version.)

jca's avatar

I think if the conversation has a lot of drama and is going nowhere, it may be “archived” or closed by the mods. Recent discussion the other night had that happen. People were arguing about Jellies who were threatening suicide and whether those posts should stay up or be taken down, and the discussion was going round and round.

canidmajor's avatar

The OP was asking about his own Qs, some of which tend to be not really appropriate for discussion.

Coloma's avatar

^ Oh oh…lets not go down that path again, god knows I’ve learned my lesson about heated debate over what constitutes appropriate content. Never again. lol
@NomoreY_A You’ll get the hang of the site soon enough .

janbb's avatar

You do need to pay more attention to information from the mods as a new person @NomoreY_A . As has been said to you many times, if you have a question about something, contact them.

Patty_Melt's avatar

If there was no reason, what is the point of asking us the reason?
What is your reason for asking what the reason is that has no reason?
Are you reasonably sure?

snowberry's avatar

Posts! @Patty_Melt I think the OP meant there’s no reason he can think of.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@snowberry Thank you! @Patty_Melt Uh, run that by me again? You got me lost in the ozone @janbb OK, point taken. I sometimes think they can’t handle my screwy sense of humor @jca I don’t do drama. I’m a comic.

janbb's avatar

@NomoreY_A Oh, I think most of it can handle good humor.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You state in your question they are closed out for no reason, then you ask us why, which means you are looking for the reason behind an action which had no reason as stated by yourself.
Picture Chrissy Snow, and maybe that will work for you.

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