General Question

kobefan24's avatar

Am I Attractive?

Asked by kobefan24 (132points) July 4th, 2017

Not trying to seek validation or anything like that. It’s been on my mind in the past couple of days. So I decided to do this as a social experiment and remember it’s okay to be honest.

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35 Answers

kobefan24's avatar

How do I add pictures?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Upload your images on an image hosting website then post the links here.

kobefan24's avatar

Check my avatar. I’ll upload some more later on.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think you’re ok. Not that bad, but not so attractive either.

kobefan24's avatar

Thanks for the answer!

imrainmaker's avatar

If you’re confident about yourself you’ll feel more attractive to others!!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder and, for me, it extends way beyond how someone looks. You look okay. You know, I’m sure, that you’re not a 10! You have a pleasant enough looking face and I’m sure if you’re smiling and happy, you’d look even more attractive. Focus on being a great person, being confident and being fun to be around and your attractive rating will go up significantly.

kobefan24's avatar

That is so true bro!! Thank you for answer!

PullMyFinger's avatar

Well… know…........let’s start with that shirt….

seawulf575's avatar

I guess you’re okay. But I’m probably not the best judge. My stepdaughter brings home guys that she claims are really good looking and I think they look like scruffy goats. You don’t look like that…you are better looking than that. But I agree with Earthbound Misfit…beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I think what is really important is not what this group of jellies think, but what you think. Moderate looks can get a big boost if you are happy and confident.

kobefan24's avatar

Wait what shirt? lmao

PullMyFinger's avatar

OK, sorry….I’m only kidding.

Being a straight male, I’m really not qualified to give an opinion, but in general I would say that you are well south of Brad Pitt, but pretty far north of, say…...Danny DeVito…..

kobefan24's avatar

Young Brad Pitt is bae af.

anniereborn's avatar

I think I am too old to be answering a question like this about someone who says “bae af”

kobefan24's avatar

Hahaha that was a joke. Really, I’m not gay but I’m not afraid to say if a guy is good looking. I don’t think Brad Pitt is that attractive now since he’s older, but probably stole a lot of females’ hearts in his day.

chyna's avatar

I’m kinda old, but I think you are cute.

Stinley's avatar

Fairly cute but you have got to have a good attitude to go along with any looks. Here are my rules:
– Look after yourself but don’t be vain.
– Take an interest in other people and don’t be a dick.
Follow these and you’ll be fine :-)

rockfan's avatar

You desperately need a new hairstyle. And I think you’d benefit from some stylish glasses

CWOTUS's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

Brad Pitt is still pretty damn good-looking, and I don’t swing that way even a little bit. But part of his attractiveness comes from his (apparent) lack of care about “how do I look? am I attractive?” (Maybe he cares desperately about how he looks, and it’s his highly developed and always-on acting ability that manages to hide that from the rest of us. So it may be that he is not only very good-looking – and totally vain about his appearance and manic about maintaining it – AND a highly skilled actor, that makes him so good at what he does. We may never know.)

But it’s a general truism, anyway. The best-looking guys that I know (and as an observant though 100% and always heterosexual older male, I do know a lot of guys) never seem to give a rip about “am I good-looking?” They just “are” whoever they are – and they’re not always good-looking, no matter who they are. Not even Brad Pitt is. But the fact of “them being themselves, un-self-consciously” makes them as attractive as they can be.

Really. If you’re going to look inward – and I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that – look deeper.

You’re not hideous. You’re just a guy. Just be a guy.

janbb's avatar

You’re cute.

stanleybmanly's avatar

your life will improve considerably once you assume that no one cares.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Don’t float that way. You’d do belter to ask the females in here.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Remember this, Zack, because it’s really important: Self confidence is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Nothing beats it. Not even good looks.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m with @chyna

I see kindness in your eyes. That’s a huge plus for me.

Zaku's avatar

What @Espiritus_Corvus and @CWOTUS and @stanleybmanly wrote: attraction has mostly to do with how you are being. Something in those pictures says to me you’re being worried about whether you’re attractive or not. You seem nervous and/or self-conscious. That looks like it wouldn’t feel very appealing to be with. That’s the only real negative I see (well I would shave the mustache if it’s not going to grow more), and it’s also the main thing you can have control over. If you shift that, people will find you attractive. Your physical aspect itself is fine, and trying to rate it alone doesn’t make much sense – some people can and do go from 2/10 to 9/10 in others’ estimation based on how they’re being.

AloraCrimson's avatar

If you want to be more attractive you gotta be more confident.

You are a handsome and good looking guy, but you need to play it up.

If you don’t go to the gym, go and bulk up more.

I would say to fix your haircut…........ That hair isn’t doing you any good. Get a sexier hair style please. Either cut it, slick it back, go to a barbershop.

Grow some facial hair to show that you’re a man.

And you look a little bit worried / self-conscious in your pics

A huge part of attractiveness is being confident and not giving a damn what others think, especially for a man. You gotta think YOU are sexy from the core and then OWN it.

AloraCrimson's avatar

Just a new haircut and a new wardrobe will give you a pep in your step….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Physically you’re attractive enough. Women are far more attracted by personality than by looks. However, if your speaking skills are on par with your writing skills, that would be an instant turn off. (“Attractive” is not a proper noun. It’s not a noun at all.) Women will be paying more attention to what you say and how you say it than how you look.

Coloma's avatar

You have a cocky, quizzical look, a bit crazed, like Charles Manson. haha
I see the potential for the class clown personality.
I’d say you’re smack in the middle of average attractiveness but photo # 8 just screams, ” stoned outta my mind. ” LOL

kobefan24's avatar

Thank you for answers guys, even though they were different, they were still helpful. Like I said, this is not to gain validation or come from a conceited or self-conscious standpoint. This is just me asking a curious question. If I had to rate myself it would be a 6.5/10, but they are times where I feel like 8–9, and other times, I feel like a 3–4. Depending on my mood, and how I carry myself. Looks are subjective, so not everyone is going to find me pleasing to the eye, and that’s okay. I’m nowhere near Hollywood attractive, and I don’t want to be. I’m a pretty nice person, and easy to get a long with. I don’t have a big ego, but my self esteem is getting better. I had really low self esteem, a few years back. I learned to accept my faults/flaws, and try to work on things that make me happy. A good amount of people in this world are average-moderate on the looks scale. This is not me being rude/or speaking with ignorance, this is just what I experienced. I’ve learned that looks aren’t everything, it’s just the media shoves this information down our throats, thinking we got to look a specific way to make it through life, which isn’t true. Anyways, thanks for answers, and if you want to continue on this thread, then be my guest.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The pressure is even greater on women. Always has been. They pressure you to act and look a certain way, then call you foul names when you do.

kobefan24's avatar

It’s very sad. I know some women that go through eating disorders, because they aren’t skinny enough. I think Women have more pressure is because males are considered to be the hunters. As men we are visual creatures. So females are pressured immensely to look a certain way. I’ll never call anyone ugly, I think it’s cruel. I agree that they are less unfortunate people out there, but they can’t help it. I have pretty good genes and try to take care of myself as much as I can, by not eating so much sugar, and making sure my hygiene is on point. I don’t view looks as a way to judge people. It’s how they treat people. Is the deciding factor for me.

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