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Myndecho's avatar

Does it irritate you when people make small gramatical or semantical error?

Asked by Myndecho (948points) June 1st, 2009
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28 Answers

applesaucemanny's avatar

Only when people misspell things. Like when people spell tomorrow as “tomarrow” and stuff like that.

MacBean's avatar

Nah. I think its a good way to judge there intellegence.

Holy crap, do you have any idea how hard it was for me to type that? And then actually post it?

cyn's avatar

uhhhh sometimes. If it’s a typo, I’ll understand; if not, then I’ll beat the hell out of them! I think this question was asked before…maybe…

wundayatta's avatar

Oh man! Does it ever!!!! Like peoples be spleling some kind of shit, like where they go to scool, dude? Don’t they know like englush? Who they think they ar? And also the paragrafs. No one do no paragrafrfs no more. Don’t they got no spell chek? Gramer check? Makes me sick in the golova. I’s is glazed and brain scrambel like egz. And those people speke wtf in txteze? Yall better not get on my bad side or I gonna wop yo ass!

applesaucemanny's avatar

haha @MacBean it’s funny how you still messed up. It’s their not there.

hug_of_war's avatar

No, not everyone has the same educational background, or needs the same writing skills, or is a native speaker of English. I think it’s rude to point such things out.

Myndecho's avatar

Normally this doesn’t bother me as long as I can understand what has been said or written down. One of the only ones that does just a little bit is that literally has become to mean to emphasize something E.G. “I literally ran like the wind.”

cyn's avatar

i think he was being sarcastic lurve MacBean :)

DarkScribe's avatar

Yes, when it is not a typo but a misspelled or misused word. Things like loose when they mean lose. People who write “alot” when they mean a lot. It indicates a carelessness on the part of the writer.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

There Their They’re, don’t get all worked up now. Some of us guilty spellers are fluthering from work, quickly pecking out responses and not looking over our shoulders for gailcalled.

MacBean's avatar

@applesaucemanny Hear that big WOOSH sound? That was my joke going over your head.

Les's avatar

I have always liked this:

Oldie but a goodie.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Not at all. I understand we all have our own pet peeves but if I had a pet peeve then that would be my problem and I would try not to reflect that on others.

I used to have more pet peeves around grammar etc.. until I went through a very difficult time in my life. Apparently it sucked my brain juice (I learned that it is typical of grief actually to do that) and since then have not been able to have the same proper grammar as I did previously. I often find myself mistyping their and there or sometimes I type a word that just sounds like the one I was thinking. Things I would have never done before. I understand there are many reasons people may have errors.

And you know what else? I figure, heck it’s the internet, who cares?

suzyq2463's avatar

Like misspelling “gramatical” [grammatical] and leaving off the “s” on the word “error”? Or are you being ironic?

syz's avatar

Drat! suzyq2463 beat me to it! It should be “make a small” or “errors”.

oratio's avatar

No, but it irritates me when I discover my own.

Bluefreedom's avatar

It only irritates me when people make gigantic, profound, and excessive grammatical and semantical errors and when they do, I usually take very little notice of them. Like @oratio said, when I notice my own careless mistakes because I’m not careful when I submit answers, it always rubs me the wrong way.

Darwin's avatar

There are certain common errors that bother me, such as confusing the words affect and effect, or actually typing “could of” instead of “could have.” However, I rarely say anything about it unless the person is chastising others for grammatical errors while overlooking their own, or simply needs taking down a peg.

I try my best to write accurately and correctly. I love the fact that I have automatic spell check through using Firefox as my browser, and I love that we get a short bit of time to correct our own errors on Fluther.

bpeoples's avatar

Also… has anyone noticed that “semantical” isn’t a word? =)

“Semantic” is already an adjective, so adding “al” is makes it reduntantal.

“Semantically” is the adverb form, but it’s by adding the “ally”.

Anyway—I get frustrated all the time at folks at work misspelling things on work documents. Things like “recepticle” for “receptacle”, “seams” for “seems”, etc. Still get done in by the error that “apostrophe does not mean ‘look out! here comes an S!!”, mostly on signage.

Quick brief messages, I don’t get too worked up about. I also went through a period about a year ago where, mainly due to stress, I was spelling words phonetically when I was typing them. Really creapy. =)


penny398's avatar

The thing that bothers me the most is people who use the word “calvary” when they mean “CAValry”. Even Phd’s on The History Channel make this mistake.

Les's avatar

@oratio: It was supposed to be clever.

oratio's avatar

I understandal

oratio's avatar

@bpeoples Maybe you should have spelled it redundant- instead of reduntant-. That would have been clever.

sigh =)

penny398's avatar

one more thing bothers me greatly, use of the word “irregardless” there is no such word. the proper word is “regardless”

DarkScribe's avatar

@penny398 one more thing bothers me greatly, use of the word “irregardless” there is no such word. the proper word is “regardless”

It has been in common use since WWI, and usually listed as a colloquialism, but many recent dictionaries are accepting it. It makes you want to burn books.

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